Bigger is the answer, because the whole world belongs to you; nothing less. So welcome home, start organizing and redecorating. Everything you see, are aware of, want, hate, fear, miss and don’t have are all ideas you’ve created and are continuing to create in your mind. The pursuit and availability of these things is completely up to you, as are everything stopping em.

Growing into more doesn’t take pain, it takes change and that’s where the work and the lack of comfort comes from. Staying with that which is comfortable allows a person to not grow and never be scared. Being scared is fucking good for you, it helps you notice the danger. That doesn’t mean stop.

Understanding that what you are, is the choices you have made is incredibly enhancing and simultaneously painful. Accepting it and not living in the past but looking ahead and being here, right goddamn now, is fucking shiny.

The biggest step is to trust yourself and the reality you want. People in pain will look to comfort and commiserate where as those in success will be too damn busy striving forward to tell you to get up and keep going. Slowing down, falling down, getting angry are not the end of the world. Staring and trusting them as facts of reality is the end of your world. The consistency and strength of trust has is within one’s control is one’s breathe; being created at a constant.

Immediacy and acceptance are key to growth,people like lists to help them figure their way here. Without getting angry about where you’re not, how else are you going to change it? If you have a working answer, cool. If not then get angry and get in the game. Time is now and now is fleeting. There is no way to actually create things in your life if you’re not willing to get mad, sad, let things go, failing a few times, and ask questions that make you feel lesser and stupid to people who make you feel tiny. This is is all progress, enjoy the burn, sweetheart.

Know how you want to feel and what you want to have. The emotional state of right is most important as many proper nouns can cause it but none can replace. Be ambiguous in title but definite in feeling.

Always be an opportunist. What right now is available to you and no one else? What right now is available to you, in general; list your options. This helps motivate and center a self. Your options are your assets are you.

Let go of your resentments but let yourself get mad at things that have sucked or people who have wronged you. Don’t hold back, let it out. And once you’ve yelled out loud at twelve people, move on. That is the past and it only exists because you keep thinking about it. Whatever wrongs you have suffered, they’re fucking behind you. Unless your ass has a time machine resenting this is being mad at things you’re imagining which no longer fucking exist. Count them as not existing and let it go, they make you weak the longer you hold onto them as your hands are too full to grab and create what you desire.

Now for a fun emotional and fanciful kick. Take the five happiest moments of your life and center yourself on the emotions of that. Create a place in your mind made of a collage of those moments. These can be in a video game, on your first love’s roof, in a book, from a movie, do not limit yourself; fuck, embellish em if you have to. This setting is the scene and the theme is those feelings as an air.

Next, take three to five people you admire. Sit them in there; for me it’s Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys, Eddie Izzard, George Carlin, Captain Jack Sparrow, and my friend Lizard; it changes time to time so don’t feel left out. Each of these people have a quality or seven you look up to, enjoy, and wish were in your life or is important in your life. These are the folks in this room you’ve just made.

Now take three to five people you know and admire. Think of the qualities you admire about them. Just meditate, baste yourself in the reality of these. They’re real people and you’ve been around them. This is the portion where fantasy connects to real emotions.

Finally, take what you hate, what pisses you off the most in the world and answer the simple question,”What is the opposite of this bullshit?”.

Do this part again–> Always be an opportunist. What right now is available to you and no one else? What right now is available to you, in general; list your options. This helps motivate and center a self. Your options are your assets are you.

Now that you have an intense emotional uprising, a safe sanctuary, and a supporting caste, you’ve essentially created the best home life and bottled it in your mind. Keep that bottle handy, its your lightning.

The paradigms of how you look at reality, create your reality. Can you change patterns? Can you make money? Can you befriend people? Can you fall in love? Can you chase and catch your dream? The answer is yes and the only reason to not be yes is because you’re feeding failure. Literally, a person learns they can’t and can certain things and thus they’re cemented into the mind. That is how one becomes old, the refusal to change this. You’re choices are no or you’re crazy; so go crazy. Is all the power in the world stuck in the hands of people you’ll never see? Are the greats so talented that you could never touch them? Can you build an empire? Can you lead men, great men? Are you able to find fantastic opportunities and make them bloom? The answer to all of this lays within one of my favorite magic words: “yet”. Determination makes any and all of this fact. I type this now someone who has had their heart stop and been declared legally dead, my brain bled so much that I was announced legally retarded. I fixed that. The secret is that only you can help yourself and that we find what we seek. Shift your believe to crazy and say yes to all of these questions. There’s no time for no’s, only vacant graves and unsatisfying sex.

Now for affirmations; remember that the world is what you make it and that we find and receive what we seek. Determination is the strongest force in the Universe. People will respond to you as you treat them and as you treat yourself. The center of existing is creating, giving, and maintaining love. So love yourself endlessly simply for existing. That is the greatest thing.

People like you
Great things are coming your way
You are able and determined
There are amazing things out there
This world is wonderful
You are beautiful
Great things are possible
The work you do is fun
You will find what you seek and want
This moment is perfect.

Now for a fun trick; spread your legs and look down. There’s your genitals, or you’re a eunuch. Now I need you to say to your naughty bits,”People want you, you’re fucking golden”. Because this is your center and base. The true belief that you’re golden and people want your most intimate part will fuck up everything for a person with low self-worth, so don’t just get caught in this belief and turn into a sex addict. This is your center because you are golden and your most intimate personal piece of being is wanted and great. Let that ability and worth spread into your energy, your actions and your words.

Everything in the world belongs to you and there is far too much stuff for you to ever use. Tomorrow exists the way you see it because you see it that way and keep that thought alive. The brain is a matrix which tells your consciousness that it feels and senses things. You get to seek more! Every moment is only how you perceive it. In mass media theory they teach that there is no perspective without bias as every perspective has a different viewpoint. You get to pick how you spin the situation and that revolution will lead you and prime your train of thoughts. Pessimism and optimism are the simple ends of the spectrum with being an opportunist as the key tool. But where do you want to go and how would that person frame reality to get them there and be themselves.

Finally is one of my favorite tricks; make a super you. Invent a super hero version of yourself who can save the day, overcome the impossible, whom cannot be stopped and will always be amazing and victorious. I say super hero because its got to start fantasy. It will end up being the real you as you keep this persona in mind. You are only an idea which you continue to repeat. This is changing you, you are changing you.

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