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In the face of impossible, create something new

In the face of impossible, create something new

There is a special place for those who would call themselves Icarus. It is one of finding the real brink of existence and to have found mortal’s bounds. Such a land is very different from those who have tried and been beaten then gotten back up again to continue their tale…

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At your core existence of purpose and meaning.

At your core existence of purpose and meaning.

The wise man said,”It is very hard to let go of hurt, defensiveness and weakness” when asked why he answered,”Because you are holding on so fucking tightly, you idiot.”…

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Talk your way to hell or heaven

How we talk creates how we think, relate to others, and grow. Going into a new situation with crap on your mind means crap conversation. Being prepared for a fun conversation on topics people you want to meet know means…

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Slicing through insecurity

Slicing through insecurity

Confronting insecurity is not a one step activity. It is what makes a person strong, brave, dauntless; fearless is sort of a silly and impossible notion. To be human is to be afraid, it kept us alive and safe to breed. But now we must overcome…

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persona investment and mentally presence

Humans get lost in their ideas, their work, the doldrums, and misplaced expectations. To actualize and be happy, to be real, we need to get acquainted with the fact of happiness and success being part of who we decide to be…

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A balanced ride through chaos

Making one’s self whole and their life complete doesn’t mean strife and overcoming pain at valiant constant but enjoying the stuff in front of them and pursuing more things they value. This means balancing all of one’s self…

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