You can love stupid things, its a secret power that every one has and nobody talks about. If we did, this hooplah about being the best or fitting some preset identity that is optimum for success or existence ,as seems the standard, would start to blow away like the castle of sand it is. Say this out-loud,”People are trying to to pressure me to feel and do things that I don’t want” and here you have the third step. Or fourth stanza, depending how you feel like metaphor-ing today. Because you are never being pressured until you accept that you ought to feel pressure. People feel bad because we think we should. “People are trying to do things to make me react and create a state of pressure on myself so that I will do things that they want” is the full statement. The secret card you have up your sleeve is that you get to decide how you want to feel, at all times.

But thats cheating. Its not living a real life, a full life includes pain and disorder. The need requires a lack while a wonder requires a wall to push against. So don’t overdo it… just remember that whatever the fuck happens, you love yourself. Seriously, make a card and put a note on it to remind you that you do. Don’t show anybody nor write it plainly so anyone but you could know. This needs to be your secret because people would get bothered if they knew you were breaking social rules like this. People get mad at me when shit breaks and I laugh but its both a test that it truly was here and real along with a fireworks show of its parts as it departs from our show. They would make the same faces at you if you told them that you love yourself even when you fuck up… unless they’re rebels too. And nobody in charge can be a rebel(unless they’re a super secret rebel).

Its the same way a handicap person can say something silly, mispronounced, illsensicle, and possibly obscene but it can be funny in an adorable way. My brother and sister are handicap so this is the way I see it most often. You can still love something stupid because love doesn’t have a system of checks and balances, there’s not an equation for it because its subjective and decision-optional, it has too many dimensions to write into a checkbook. Every wonderful thing you have seen and felt! All the great ideas you have had or even witnessed, you recognized!! That feeling came from you, it needed you, you are part of that moment. And you can always love yourself for being that, for seeing or hearing that, for being a witness to a world so beautiful. Keep faith that you are that wonderful and love what the world throws your way; chaotic and disgusting and troubling and as unexpected as can be makes it no less beautiful.

Once you start loving yourself and then giving love to the world, it will change your world and what your world gives to you. But giving is more important than receiving. You’re welcome is more a full phrase of soul and heart than thank you. Never forget, you can always love this.

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