What restricts you? Are there feelings of inadequacy? A lack of thought? Something you’re afraid of repeating? A ruler or person who bothers you that makes you uncomfortable? All of these things reduce down to one person, you, allowing things outside your thoughts, beliefs, and actions being controlled by someone other than you. That is impossible. Only you have the power to create and enforce that situation. But that enforcement is very common. It’s called being afraid. Break any of your lacks and required formalities down to their essentials and you will find an overblown danger that you are avoiding without logical analysis of the possible pain. And at that point, the pain and loss must be measured. Pain is part of living and truly freeing when accepted. The loss is always part of life and can be organized as well as must be organized.

What habits hold you back? To be stuck in repeating cycles of failures and dismay mean there are actions, habits, which continually fail you but you keep returning to. Take time to review your week, day by day, and categorized what actions you employ. Watch what leads to the failures and what leads to you being happy. Applying scrutiny to your own actions may be highly difficult at first and can easily turn into bashing on yourself; don’t do that shit, find a balance. Once you notice things you routinely do that hold you back, diagnose why you do them, what reinforces and begins them, then what you could do instead. To remove an evil is not enough, the spot must be replaced or the void will pull back and the familiar returns quickest. Seek out new habits, create and innovate on what you have. Look to heroes or goals you have and see how they work or what works them.

What social constructs hold you back? There are many important rules and regulations of society which put stress and expectations on a person that are all just pure fucking stupid. Some are good for specific means but in general they’re about keeping order and fitting in. This demeans and waters down one’s individuality, chances for greatness, and being real to themselves; it makes sure your happiness is an act instead of genuine. So see if you’re trying to wake up and be somebody. Check if you think you should be making a certain amount of money or be in love by now. Look at your skin, genitals, income level, and where you grew up and tell them,”you’re not me”. Though this isn’t true, you are never ruled by these things. It is natural to want to fit in and thus we put subconscious pressures on ourselves to be certain ways. These social constructs are extremely stupid and fueled by fear. Who you work for is only you. Who you answer to, is also you. One of the biggest steps of maturing is realizing that your parents had very little idea what the fuck they were doing and that all the other adults in charge are equally confused and full of shit. So sticking to the rules and roles they gave you, us, me, is compounded stupidity. What position do you want to have? Doesn’t it makes more sense to see the whole world as belonging to you and everyone as your friend? Designing and starting this is what waking up in a world full of sleepers really means. You are what you make yourself, not what people have told you in so many words that you are.

What sense of self holds you back? There is a definition of who you are and what you’re able, deserving, allowed to do that creates the available actions for a person. You are the only one who gets to call the change on this. Whom, is for the victory and loss. There is a person who walks a walk and talks the talk, their path and role is clear. Since a person is free to do as they please, if you discover and decide the person you want to be, those actions are available to you. Taking the steps to research, feel out the success effect of your goals and desires means aiming for where you want to go. Being the person who can, will, wants, and does these things is not an obstacle but a path to take and center to hold. You get to be the self you want to be and until you make that decision and correct series of next ones, you will simply be what the world yells at the space you’re standing on. Luck would have it be good, likelihood would have you be a fool and a fiend. So chose and let go of the actions, values, and center that can’t do and create the ones which can have.

What are you lacking which holds you back? There are a ton of supplies and good fortunes out there most people aren’t born with. The right connections, money, good-looks, charm, a sense of humor, intuition, a neat car, blah blah blah. But those are things. And you can have all these things, because stuff is available at a price and skills are there to be learned in classes, books, youtube, and by example. When you have all these things, how will you feel? Allow that to be your center and let it feel right as you pursue the things you desire and build the skills you want to have. There’s a will then there is a way.

Why don’t you have passion? The biggest question of all here is what keeps you going? Are you angry at the world, do you want to win, are you trying to save somebody? This why is the biggest why of them all and any will do. You just have to believe in it. This requires creativity and playing with emotions and values in your head. Pull from stories you love but make sure YOU love them. This is being as true to yourself as possible because nobody but you can answer this question right. Once this passion is figured, it must be maintained. And remember, the passion’s fuel changes but it is always available.

Why aren’t you satisfied? If you were satisfied, how would you feel? What would get you there? This answer is often the hardest to come by since it is the culmination of many answers. So start from the other end and work in reverse; what do you hate? Is there part of the world or yourself or a great fear you have? Now what is the opposite of that, the thing which would fix that or is the farthest from this? Having or doing that or making that thing a reality, usually creates satisfaction. And really get into this question because its quick and easy to give quick, shitty, easy answers here. Seeking an answer to this is much like passion in that it is a continued journey but with more of a bell curve that’s moving forward. You can climb to the peek with answers then time will show there are new needs.

All of these come to the natural conclusion of what do you want after what do others who can do this do. Finding a purer sense of self is required. This means facing your fears, developing yourself, and exploring the world.

Upon examining these factors brings the who you are into question. That is an answer of particulars once a path gives options. Said path shows itself after one decides what they value. Look for what creates passion, where you see lack in the world and that you want. Read, explore, and indulge to find what you admire then go make more. Advance that art. Here is the truth of your values and calling.

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