Human beings fall into habit and group order rather subconsciously. To act against this is going against the flow, and bravo. Change is weird and life must be examined. The questions “how do you want to feel?” and “if you had all the options, what would you like to do?” should never be hypothetical or imagination masturbation. So get with it. Begin planning and deciding how to feel and be, it might be hard but it’s loads harder if we don’t plan what we’d do in cases of success or even have those plans in mind. The human perceptual capacity is limited and we constantly blind ourselves. This can stop now.

If these good things were to occur, what would I do? In planning this out humans create mental maps to respond and adapt to as well as fundraise passion and momentum to these endeavors. So make some goals and an action plan IF flint hit tinder. If the desire is to run a giant company, then what would the best chance at starting that be and how would you respond? If you want to be an FBI agent, what would the best opening be and what steps would you take? Visualize, imagine and strategize for the best circumstances; it’s a mental building block. Keep in mind that doing the opposite is a mental deficit one is creating.

How would I need to feel? Emotional planning is tantamount. When a person tells a grand success story, when Frodo returned the ring to Mt Doom, when Harry Potter killed Voldemort, whatever ya got, there was emotional action that fueled their tales. In the story of a person’s success there will also be the underlying current of a fit emotional state. Remember, things change when you feel different not the other way around. It is free to decide how one wants to feel. If a person desires to take over a corrupt industry, they must be sly, competitive, driven, and concisely studious. For a person who wants to pioneer a new applied philosophy in any particular field, they must be incorporating, understanding, inspiring, fully educated, and gregarious. It’s not hard to discover the needs. The research goes what would the person who completed my goal, feel?

How would I need to treat people? Following your dreams cannot happen without other humans involvement. There’s simply too much people can give and grow from each other. Figuring out how you’d relate to people if your goal position were to open and flourish is key. The main reason people get fired from their jobs is almost always a social matter rather than ability or under qualification. Again, the question to be asked is what would the person who has completed this act like? Here however, there is often research that can be done. Finding folks of similar success is pretty normal in relevance to a person’s social fluency. Some people need to watch what they say, some positions need to be outspoken, others need to be conniving one moment and pure of heart the next. Who you know inherently speaks of how who knows you. Networking is exponentially more important than pretty much everything else, sad as it may sound. This isn’t changing who you are it’s becoming whom you want to be. Success changes people and humans are judgmental as hell at times; finding one means navigating the fires of the other.

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