There are a million things going on around us, available to our perception and emotional attention. Humans have the capacity to grip maybe a dozen if we’re on point and organized at peak performance. This is why it is incredibly important to pick which fucks to give. More importantly, it is important to realize that only when we think of something as important does it affect our day. Currently there are a lot of people being raped to death; that’s fucking happening and you didn’t care until right now when you thought about it, maybe. The point is to decide what to not respond to and what is pragmatic you, and what to do with the dynamics of what WANTS your attention.

Making energy sent into energy produceable is a key and strange trick to living a powerful life. One can and is at best always the opportunist. People can insult you, attack you, get in your way, or a slew of things with high energy of ill-intent. How one perceives and responds to this is what it does to their train of thought, emotion and the story they’re telling with their lives. It could be as simple as dismissing the unfriendly as aimless and their bullshit not your shit. It can be more dynamic and clever as when you decide since they’re angry at you, it means you are important in their life and that’s all you care to accept as relevant. If there is energy present, it is interpretable and you are always responsible for giving a story you witness a point of reference. Spin it to work for you and use the charge to your benefit.

What energy you are looking for is what you find. This can be a subliminal searching where one is open to understanding old awareness or an active search but very very rarely do people find entirely new feelings. More often people don’t think and the mind rationalizes information into old, comfortable schema of understanding. So decide what you want from the world. As you look for it and decide that’s what you want, as you stand and exist as an active being will the people and this world recognize that and send it your way or challenge you; both progress. Get active in thinking about what energy and emotions you want or allow old shit to keep flying your way.

When shit breaks, does it help to get mad at ourselves? Does criticism address things as well as growth advice? It is obvious and easy when judgment is seen as needing analyze to create proper advice instead of aimless deprecation and dead weight. And when is shit ever actually broken, but actually changed and the mindset screaming for one particular way of existence in fear and bother of being proved wrong. Life is about change and to create an energy weight, hurt, or guilt on ourselves is a misunderstanding about the nature of existence. Don’t take blame from things falling apart, take wisdom and do differently next time if a different outcome is desired. Keep moving forward.

When the world is going to hell, what’s our world? Because honestly, there is far too much going on for one’s mind to hold everything and the only people who ever try are those juggling pain and hurt in attempts to relate or project their pain or hurt. Why jump to conclusions about ouchies when the option of enjoying beautiful things and functioning at proper capacity is an alternative option. Your world is your perception. What you decide to think about and manage is your world. Take on tasks you can enjoy and perform well so you have a good world you like, there’s no reason not mainly made of stupidity to do otherwise. You are free to decide your thoughts, what energy you accept, and the world you perceive.

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