Our emotions cause and effect how we view the world and then create a feeling inside of us. Now, if we don’t like that feeling we can change our action OR change our concurrent thought schema about the world. How one views the world creates more unmet expectations than the world creates itself. Misunderstandings are vast to a mind stuck on perfection and one that generalizes and dismisses nuances of people and situations. One’s emotions are always based on the past so they cannot be always right. It is within a person to object to them because they created by that same person.

We are not our emotions; people do want to battle those who question their emotions even if they only question them in their nonverbal behavior and their personal beliefs. But for why?! Because strong emotions are powerful and thus people respond powerfully to them. To dismiss a powerful force in someone’s life is to insult them… or so that is how it is seen. Try insulting someone’s hero, God, political candidate of choice and before the person even has time to hear you out, there will be expressed anger and the face of the battle-ready. This is all very human in a childish way one must grow out of. To be questioned is never to be insulted but to have a chance to express and prove one’s beliefs and one’s self. If our emotional reaction is incorrect, then it is better to find that out so to not behave a fool. Again, we are not our emotions; no matter how powerfully we behaved in their name.

Reductionism is the beautiful thing to narrow down clouded ideas about our emotions down to the original and only meaningful piece of the reaction. Thoughts get cluttered and group together many things which though may be associated are not the actual issue. Always reduce emotions down to the original action that sparked them or else live with misunderstood emotions. There’s is not another way to go about it.

Growth is the key with emotions, not growing old but growing wise. The more questions one asks about their own emotions and answers themselves the more experience they have after processing the situation at hand. Without trying new types of emotional action and examination, we cannot grow. Sticking to one strong emotion is the pursuit of ignorance and the resisting of a temptation to learn and grow.

Lingering pain is absolutely fucking stupid. Many things hurt too much to deal with all at once and can take time to sort out what happened where and why… yet to allow something to linger and not deal with it, not reduce it down and figure out either a way to respond to it so it doesn’t happen again or figure out what it means to you so you can let it go… well that’s rude to yourself and everyone else who might deal with your emotions. Things do hurt but facing them is only scaring because a person is being defensive and scared. It isn’t going to hurt you, it’s just our own defensive evolutionary emotional tactics to not allow ourself to feel weak keeping us from examining something holding us back.

We get to create the values which respond to the world and cause our emotions. If one continues to feel shitty or hurt or anything they do not want then they have chosen values to keep them in such a place. To assume that’s the best choice only leads me to believe that they’re obscenely insecure and have talked so much shit on happy people that they would loathe the idea that they invested so much wasted time in being condescending and that they’re more concerned with being right than being happy. Happiness comes from finding meaning in things, not being a giddy jackass. To not recreate your values to propel you forward is insulting to yourself, your future self, the future people who want to love you and the future you’re not creating.

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