We just might stare at the past but even that is a creation in the future. Life is defined more by our perspective on it than the events in it.

Walt Disney is quoted with the ever-inspiring words,”Keep Moving Forward”. They instill the seeds of growth and momentum of rising success but I propose the perspective that we are in fact, always moving forward. It is our choice ,of course,  to see it this way but that makes it no less true just as we can close our eyes but the sun shines all the same.

I will explain the antagonist in the story so to build up to where the victory line in this theme lays. People beat themselves up over the past, never the future. This gets worse often even if people try to excite and applaud themselves for growth when they worry about the past and start to attempt planning for repeat mistakes. This is a search for being too safe instead of a chase of happiness and simply being grown more. It takes no action just trust. We worry about pains finding us and us failing in the future like our past has scared us. So instead of looking ahead and calling those mistakes lessons to teach us, we stare at the wound and stagnate ourselves. We do nothing even though we are still moving forward. If we were to repeat those mistakes and create a cycle then we would have bought and believe in the world that is past and does not advance. Existence is about change, we are always changing and growing. Patterns exist but only because we are ever constantly moving forward and making them move and making them change.

We don’t have to think about that which doesn’t inspire us. The thoughts we create prime actions and more thoughts of their like kind, which all simultaneously create emotions that do the same. We can pick the thoughts we create a trust in, they can be new.

The golden tickets and roses to smell in moving forward are the limitless options of happiness, truth, growth, knowledge, adventure, compassion, love and all that good shit. All things great are possible on some road in front of us so for us to move forward is to chase and enjoy them. As we step if we watch our own beat then we can move towards those goals. Pit holes are lessons what not to do, nobody is perfect and without those downs we would not understand or even have the ups. We are always moving forward and it is important to remember that.

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