Inside a person is all the emotions they can feel. Imagining another person puts something else in you is farcical. New stimulus always exists and even that simply combines already present emotions. In contemplation and thought are new emotions rendered and there is the potential damage or bliss created. The idea that others hurt us is vastly an escape from responsibility and a fearful lack of self-awareness. As we create emotions and expectations in our mind do ppl variate them ever slightly yet never do people switch our versions of ourselves, our emotional ability, or our paradigm schemes. Recognizing this and your own responsibility creates the ultimate power in a person.

To state that you hurt me or you saved me procures an idea in ones mind onto a representation outside of us. People can do those things but not without a persons pre obstructed idea and emotion set. So make a good set and let go of the fearful role that can be projected onto others. That archetype is one of the most damaging things out there. As one create an idea of pain, suffering, inadequacy, failure, does one become seeking and able to receive it. The same is true of great things. More importantly is continuing, cultivating those things is impossible or goes missed without contemplation. So here I posit to imagine the great things occurring to yourself and you being deserving. Make all the pain and worthlessness a now contorted idea, impossible for you and a mistake was ever seeing yourself as such.

The doubt one has is effort invested in rot. Almost all perceived values on a social level are self-fulfilling prophecies; believe you’re douche and eventually people will react close enough that their perception of you will be near and your role shall fall fit. It is a function of persistence. We continually invest our behavior and beliefs into our social identity this it continues to exist. The past is not re-write able but the future rarely cares unless you do. All these same
dynamics also exist for happiness and confidence. As you continue to invest, the fruits continue to appear.

A paradigm shift without environment change is a bandaid instead of a building block. As the old is not gone but already reinforced and present it will replace the new ideals swiftly. Fueling the new paradigms and allowing one to move into an environment, sense of self, and lifestyle is how to keep the new train alive and on course. This means self-talk, idols, decoration, and most importantly what one believes is possible and the thoughts one places emotions into. That last past part is a huge misnomer, ideas receive our emotions they do not intrinsically evoke them. Environmental psychology disagrees to a small factor but absurdism clearly expresses that we assign our own versions of worth to things. Existentialism reinforces that we persist that reality as our own burden and gift of action.

Reception is what makes a radio work just like it does people. Shaman have a power in their cultures and lore to be able to open minds to the new which was inconceivable before. The power was so great that prior to this spell, many things don’t exist. Human minds are wrought in pattern and habit. Being able to receive compliments, good fortune, love, new things is foreign to many human minds. Allowing the mind the comfortability after giving it the thought that one can have such a thing is enormous. The insanity feel that normally follows such a wreck in pattern is always better than the fear and mediocrity said pattern has shown and promises; go with crazy and good rather than normal and crummy.

Finally is the feeling which persists in these flags. Motion and words can be faked but passion cannot yet it can be made. Figuring out the emotions that keep the mental fatigue and unacceptable paradigm afloat must be identified and drained. The required emotions to give lift to the clouds one desires gotta get that rise and real trust. This navigation of feelings is key beyond all other steps. Words and actions can be faked. Look at American politics and advertising then try and call me a liar. The emotion behind that is where truth resonates or falls short. In that trick is where one’s heart spells their landing code.

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