We find outselves in silly places running errands we don’t believe in. These runs ruin the life we wish for but really, sincerely and at the core of things, our approach to them is ruining ourselves. No matter how petty they are. It is quite easy to label things busy work and turn in bullshitted papers and “acceptable” work effort to get by. But life is not about getting by, its about being lived and loved and tasting the whole of every moment. Everyone dies but not everyone will sit on their death bed with eyes full open to the way their heart will stop as they will soon empty their bowels in front of loved ones, dissecting the entirety of it like a juicy stake. And that is how all of life can be lived rather than spent.

Enjoying what you’re doing is different than worrying about messing up and they are not able to be simultaneous occurring. Everything you are doing, you are doing for you. We easily trick ourselves out of that perspective and begin to think we are working for other people, that they are making us do things and ruining or holding us back. Its always the self. School work can be fun even if it is required. Just as crap professional work. Allowing that action to become aggravating and annoying is being mad at the self then labeling it outside so to continue the longevity of this pain. Remember that every action is yours. All you really have to do is breath and die.

Its a very simply process where you own every action you take and put your soul into your words. That means you don’t act or speak without thinking and caring about what you are doing. The flip pin which springs people off into oblivion is to see this your words and care as mattering to others when they must matter to you. Anything else is superfluous or possibly frosting but never a pain. When your boss tells you to go get a report and write out all the book titles with short descriptions, that is your decision to do so. So live it like an art piece you are making and enjoy the work. Not because you were told to but because you own your life, your actions. There is a small step of double think involved in taking a given or forced task and claiming it fun for one’s self but it can also be stealing. They want you to do something, there is control and dominance involved in such a want and when you enjoy the action and ignore their existence entirely, well then you have stolen something and now you own it.

In studying remember that learning new things is fun. Get into every step of the story and piece of the book like its one of your favorites and find the part which matters about each syllable. Let go of this silly need to see it as an assignment… this is your life and every step belongs to you. Forget your owners, bosses, leaders, nay sayers and own your actions as your kingdom. Its your book and tale, enjoy reading and being it by letting it be alive to you and not chained by anyone else.

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