Trouble with challenging things is never their step by step mechanisms or the fabric which weaves them to and fro. The trouble with challenging things be the perspective one takes when they show up. For as any math problem, social hill, emotional puzzle one has solves after much dilemma and trial did they not look back and say how hard it was without speaking in a liars tongue. We get lost in a challenge, emotional explosion or overreaction occur and something distracts us then we get lost in a different part of a different thing and that thing gets blown into inappropriate proportion, small or large, and blah blah blah we all fall down. Or the clown fawns doll, for those of you pretending to trying to be dyslexic or who don’t give a dog damn; and, not or, you suppose. There is always a person who can confront the situation and defeat it. We don’t have to be that person but by simply seeing it as beyond our own contemplative victory we can see the dynamics of it and the imagination is limitless. If you have to be Jesus Christ or Christopher Hitchens then be that person, but you are sort of cheating and leaping a long bridge in shoes quite difficult to fill. Their steps though, are never so totally difficult.

We know a story with a hero. In every step of our way that is stopped by a trouble there is a story waiting to become. Therefore there is a hero forth waiting to be called.

Allowing the self to enter different mindsets is a brilliant trick of the human doing. We have competitive states, relaxed states, angry states, and impatient states. But these are all parts of our being. None a permanent or impossible to change existence. They may take time, strife and something luxurious or terrible to entice but they are able pieces of a whole. Thats what a person really is. So to let a hero enter you is to engage the more of many roles that exist within. Not to lie or cheat or wriggle out of a struggle but to put on that fancy suit and stand to play the damn music that seems so scary to everyone in the room. Realize a mindset could exist and therefore DOES exist. Because you can feel it. Because you did just imagine it. Within the imagination is key because it holds no locks nor bars. Perhaps time is needed to find right lock or gateway but it is so otherwise the problem wouldn’t exist.

There is a person who could defeat the problem that lay ahead and being is defined by doing. So do what they would do and be the greatest self that has yet to be.

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