How you want to feel after you’ve saved the world. Great motivational speakers talk about the why a ton but it either gets to the point or it jumps to a highest functioning handicap version of success. The real question that starts everything is how do you want to feel? The world is just your perception of reality so to save that would mean everything you perceive is happy and right. How would that feel?

Granted of course the obvious philosophical detail of creating detail, this is the trick. To say you can do anything you want, is fucking poppycock. Sounds great, doesn’t mean shit dickens. What would you like to do?! You can do that, well that would sound the most lovely and empowering of all.

So ask some locational questions to figure out what you want. Who would you love to meet, not a real person but the values and characteristics you’d love to see. What is going awful in the world that needs fixing; how would it feel to fix that? What is beautiful and fun in the world that we need more of? How would it feel to create more of that? What is lacking and how would its abundance feel? Who do you hate most, what is unfair, what is unacceptable and now whats the feel of the opposite of all of those things? This is the base of who you really are and its free to be made; as long as you love it.

Feelings are the key because feelings are both the fuel and the product. We do things because they’re real AND because of how they make us feel. How would you like to feel? This is your new center. As you keep it at the version of you who is real behind whatever comes your way, the life that wants that feel and feeds it will come your way. Create how you want to feel and then move with that groove.

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