You don’t need anyone’s approval but your own. The person you are is an outcome that you can change, however you like. Your actions and future chapter are limited by your decision to limit them. There is no bound on one’s imagination nor will until one is imagined and believed in. Patience must be present for any of this to come true but so it must be with all things; patience, persistence, and faith. The world wants to help you and wants to like you. How great you are, how much love you give to the world and yourself is limitless if you believe and let it. These are the basic ideas in the “I like myself” postulate that have helped me through really horrible times in my life. I’d like to share this with the world and Im starting here.

You can like yourself as much as you want. If you want to start throwing accomplishments, reasons, events into the mix then you have a changed stew. BUt really, you can adore yourself just for being alive, for being you. Maybe you have not built a space robot monkeyship you dreamed of when you were a child… but you can still totally love yourself. You don’t need a reason to love. You can pick things and the fact that you are conscious of and currently are you, is the best reason. Even more, if you don’t like who you are you can change that! And if you presently are unaware of what tickles your fancy, you can change that too.

Imagine the coolest 5 people you know of. They can be made up, real, not here yet or evil or embellished versions of all of them. Now take these characteristics of these people… thats what you love. And you can be that. If they are just values and parts of a persona, not parts or talents, then you can do that!!!Its using your appreciation and affection to create desire and design then allowing yourself to grow with those! You can be as great as those things you love! And then you can be that person and give to the world, your world, what those greats give to you.

There is always more time. Always, if somebody makes a deadline, thats what they have made because your time is limited to you. Maybe you won’t get that degree but a degree is outside of you where as the knowledge in that degree is completely intangible and also completely available inside of you. The life in front of you is not set into blocks of do dates unless you accept them; it is your recess and party to plan. The time allocated to your desires and goals is up to you, never believe otherwise unless you want to feel trapped and out of control.

Fantasize about great things. The change the world needs, the ideas that could brighten a person’s day, the amazing events that would be fabulous to occur! Think about these topics and let your brain get high off anticipation and hope. Dream but never let the dream stay in your head. Turn it into a heading. Make plans on how to get to those dreams, this is more important than a 9-5, social expectations, and often eatings and sleeping. True passion outweights water and makes you run faster. Allow yourself to find this by looking at ideas ,both outside and in, that make your heart skip. Then move.

Nietzsche said that if you stare into the darkness long enough the darkness stares into you… and I have always thought that if you stare into darkness or greatness that it stares back out and is part of us. The eyes of a person are much more than happy or sad, blue or brown but they pour out emotions and believe silently all over the walk and talk of that person. So stare into great ideas long enough and they will stare out of you too.

The approval and feeling of belonging one gets from outside themselves is highly determined by how much one approves of themselves. A person who is self-loathing is hard to love and a person who is upbeat is easy and calling to your love. Ironically, not the need of this love but, the fact that outer approval is not only secondary but minuscule to inner love. When you find your approval worth while and stare into the need and want, not just one, of outward approval then you will see that it is you who decides that approval is important. Even though it may seem above all other imaginable things great, you still deem it to be important. And so then you can deem yourself important too.

Let yourself get excited and pursue what drives you. Please, the world is waiting.

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