Self loathing is hate directed at the self. Resentment is hating others in response to hating ones past. When hate is beneficial is when it changes and frees one from hurt or restriction. It’s powerful and many get lost in it. Hatred and insecurity have a duality relationship. As they conserve each other no solutions are found. The root of hatred is ill-aimed focus then destruction rather than appreciation or innovation. The act of loving the fear producing anger and then embracing, cultivating inspiration is the death of hatred which hatred desires most deeply. As one overdrives hatred do they destroy themselves instead of the hate. The goal is missed in the rush.

The habitual misuse of emotion is a plague on this planet, a self-deprecative end of ways creating an end of days. The shift from fear and anger which can occur fluidly is a simple monitoring of ones thoughts. One creates better thoughts at each step of survival, success and beauty. As we hate, we label parts of the world wrong and attach hate to our perception. This modifies what we create, find and seek. Fear is seeking hurt because it is worried about not being hurt again; the brain doesn’t know negatives only topics. As we create good does pain and loss disappear. Staring at the void to avoid the void doesn’t work. As each thought becomes more positive the identification process shows deeper thoughts and layers of paradigm and understanding unravel. So as more control is exerted is more proper use exhaled. Remember this process is always on going whether or not it’s deliberate or good is a choice though. Guilt becomes ironic like all other hates. Make good thoughts, let go of the past to hold onto the future and provide the cure fear desires so desperately. In comfort and earnest is a heaven reclaimed from a self-built hell.

The practice of leaving hell is the process of creating heaven. Acceptance and awareness followed by seeking happiness for ones self and the world around them. A balance with glee is proper, excitement and passion to know and explore.

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