So much shame and worry is based on a lack of integrity and lack of self understanding. Atrocious acts committed against a persons will involve breaking the golden rule which mean one hasn’t considered themselves fully in the circumstance. Needing to dominate comes from an inadequacy in being ok with just the self. The need for outside approval is never as valid as the inside approval since there is still inside approval to the outside approval.

The worth of your word out values the majority of things a person can do. When your actions start to outshine your word, groovy. In a second where actions fall short though, that word is useless. The supply is extremely limited for true words. Saying too much floods and devalues the strength of the word. Remember that as much as you say, there is only one dam for that words meaning. This not only means say less, mean more but say exact and have meaning.

Context in ones word makes it just as context of a person in a scene makes them. Strong words don’t come from weak contexts. Same truth stands of scenes. To place yourself in one you don’t care for is to devalue both your word and self.
Integrity is about being honest to yourself and in doing so many meaningless fears dissipate. Because so many fears are worries of being something you aren’t, being traumatized and avoiding specific stimulus. Social anxieties are quickly alleviated when the root is seen clearly as the common misconception.

Ego-stroking and jumping to conclusions for credit and worth can be the fear of one who wishes to remain valid in their sense of self. Ruminating in this fear creates an insecurity about it this making it harder to address or notice and projecting it on others. Such a practice usually produces a heightened state of self with lack of attention that o details and steps towards a goal, then an unrealistic confidence about the topic. Sticking to this practice makes ppl weary of you and you an unreliable, big talking blow heart. The high is very addicting since there’s no work involved. Remember that the whole journey is a party, not just the end. Enjoy the whole practice and enjoy all of it. Feel ready to call yourself on your own bullshit. Feel requires to, as that is the sign of real integrity and anything having real worth. The want to have that final yes is the sign of integrity in ones aim.

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