People love to be validated and feel important. Being intimate with someone is about feeling important with them and yourself as a group. The truest and easiest example that brings this along is the question, why couldn’t you fall in in love with someone you have already known for many years? And the answer is because romance is trendy. Socially speaking we have been trained by example to follow a narrow set of circumstance to define and operate in love. When love is rightfully examined though, that is not what the fuck love is. That’s being trendy and trying to be true to someone doesn’t occur that way.

Real romance isn’t as simple as that jazz. Connecting and caring about a human being doesn’t change like the flow of excitement or human chemical exchange. That is exciting shit that needs you to buy stuff and invest. Real romance has gotten swept along with the bullshit of sales’ pitches and bad movies oversold and over-advertised so people believe them good. Seeing something real of a person is the mark of brilliance that makes a heart stop. Not seeing something which reminds of something you’ve been trained to think is great and fits you well enough to be “yours”; that poppycock is great advertising, also called brainwashing.

To truly love a person, they must feel something which is you and you must feel them. Knowing their particular expression of existence is what real love is. Seeing a few patterns you find enjoyable is great! But loving someone is connecting to them on a deeper level. Not a high or might, not divine, not rescuing, but the enjoying that nuance which signifies you being real beyond the crowds and corduroys at each turning moment so you can exist instead of fit in. It’s escaping the fake fate to touch a new moment which everyone skips over trying to be something they’re not. True love is the compelling force one feels when they want to be real so you can see the deepest part of them and so they can be actually alive with you.

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