It is a normal human thing to feel trapped. So don’t feel bad about it, examine it. Look at why we feel trapped. In relationships, jobs, cities, whatever. We had big dreams, expectations, responsibilities to meet. But being trapped corrupts great things with unneeded and unrealistic views of a thing. You don’t ever have to do anything. You can stop breathing, you can move, you can quit your job, you can ask out that really charming person in the corner of the starbucks with that sexy handbag. Mmmmh, don’t pretend you didn’t notice the handbag. I did.

In relationships we assume we have to make it work and the horror of every breakup, chick flick, catlady, fat dood on World of Warcraft comes storming in like our mind is the beaches of normandy and todays one day after C-day. But thats not love. Love is a choice and a mutual respect. Its is not a requirement and to hold it as a trap on one’s self creates a horrible setting. Release that idea and remember that every action one makes is a new decision because every coming moment is new or else it would be old and not here. They are not that old person in your memories, they are full of potential and wonder. Love them like they are new because they are real so they are new. Relationships are not a trap, the fear of ending up cat lady or zorgking9799 in the guild Angelic Advocates(that was my guild) and that they will hate you for you aren’t good enough or that they aren’t good enough is the trap and and it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Give them the moment when you have released yourself from the past.

Jobs are easy and careers are continuing. If you are doing something for money alone then you are sort of a whore but if its getting you towards your goal then keep the pimp hand strong. Don’t fall into assuming you are as bad as the job or give in to being hurt at such a place. For careers though, they can feel a trap. And having unlimited options may seem crazy because Jenny got employee of the month or nobody listens to your jokes or your social reputation has become one of pitiful and sad. But those are walls in your view and the outside is amazing. No, those are pieces of bird poop on a window overlooking the ocean coastline and there will always be distractions but they are tiny and fail in comparison with the full view and they are shitty. If you assume that you chose to do a job it does several things. You are in control. You look for how it can be enjoyed. You don’t feel stuck or bossed around. Your proper and happy view of yourself comes into focus so you can more easily confirm yourself instead of being lost and getting into a shitty and useless place you don’t understand or know. This is an option, this is a choice, you are doing them a favor. You are always help and thats why you should do your best because people like to do nice things well. Not requirements well. There are millions of jobs for you and you are being nice enough to give this one a chance, enjoy it and remember its thankful to have you.

There is a whole section of psychology called association of place. The room you are in, the city you grew up, the creek you got your first kiss or inappropriately touched by an 8-year old all have associations with emotions. This is why we must keep moving. Of course, new emotions can be formed in old places and people like to return to what is familiar but what if you only ever had chocolate ice cream? First of all, chocolate is what they use to mask old spoiled flavors so you’re usually getting something else old and covered in chocolate so its crappy chocolate and spoiled other mystery stuff. What about bubble gum or blue raspberry or cake swirl or strawberry and kiwi lime? There is always that much more out there in the world. You are not stuck in chocolate. You can move. It takes effort and time but there is a whole world out there and tons of ways to move!! Everybody has the same excitement you do to do this, and they are somewhere in the world looking for help! The ones who let themselves feel excited are the ones who will stand and count. There are facebook groups, craigslists ads, college campus ads, meetup groups, companies looking for new people in the city you want to go to next!! You can make friends, you will find work for you exotic and new too! The passion of movement is momentum, the lube of gods! The world wants more of that kind of fuckery and one you start, you will keep moving forward. Don’t let yourself keep you stuck because you doubt there is place for you or because it is unknown. All childlike fantasies comes from the unknown! Kids are swimming in the unknown and they are the most excited group of people in the world!!

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