It is OK and good to say “no”.

In saying no, in disapproving, in denying, finding realistic fault one makes their path more valid for it has an antithesis to stand on as it searches for its truest goal. Saying no is vital to having a yes with worth. A strong and active no is just as vital in thinking and being as being able to move your steering wheel while driving.

Saying no shows standards. When someone is kind constantly then it is of no variance. So it’s meaningless for measuring worth since it cannot be changed. When you do whatever comes your way, books to read, people to sleep with, food to eat then it has displays you have no standards. People who say no a lot are not better but disgruntled and neurotic. People who say yes to everything ever are flippity twits. Life variates and taking hold of your self in this experience people have agreed to call “life”.

Illustrates and creates depth of you. Without the dismissal then there is only acceptance and such makes approval immediate, without foreplay or intrigue. All notions of illustrious personality, pride, prestige sink when examined because there is nothing to work hard for. Without a trial or tribulation, the nemesis of failure and shame disappears and lessens the reward enormously. Because if its all good, then you have no bravado. The courage required to beat a dragon is gone and its just as great as taking a shit. When you are able to say no then your yes becomes worth something. Saying no is creating a longer and magnificent mansion that must be skillfully navigated to find the crown jewels or be sliced to pieces, eaten by crocodiles, or stuck in a poorly made musical adapted to the current trend of the age; barf.

No because you’re not a whore. And I respect whores but in the negative connotation that they need and must have whatever is thrown at them in emptiness of believing in themselves because they have not made a self to believe in. You don’t take anything for an answer, you take what you want and that which properly fits the answer criteria after examining it fully.

Promotes thinking things through, fuller understanding and navigation. Saying no happens with you critically think and observe the world rather than blindly nod or frown. Without saying no, one is mindless. We have chemical reactions that promote us jumping subject, trying to screw people, running from problems, doing whats simple and easy and none of this promotes a full human mind nor story but does promote survival. Only when we can say no to the lavish amount of negativity in the world or one’s brain if you’re bi-polar or the amount of bullshit that you may become surrounded in because shit happens and you must go on crazy adventures, then whole tale of your life is bound to blow.

Exercises character and resilience towards goals. Saying no must happen when distractions get into focus when a previous goal is set and needed, wanted, set for the course. Saying no stands as proof to what you believe in. Saying no allows you to continue on your own path instead of having the world throwing you off course

No to people, strange but they like it because of all the above. Makes yeses and approvals mean more. When you tell a person no, they can be immediately irritated because you have denied them their lovely evening or to touch your prim and sough-after buttocks. They will however respect you more and this makes you both like yourself more as well as

No to actions because you chose your actions. Patterns only repeat themselves because we make them. They’re not bigger than us, they’re our movements and consent. We can chose to throw the ball the wrong way because it’s in the flow of things or we can think shit through and fake the pass then run by that dude. You can change your actions because you fucking make your actions!

No to following orders because you’re in charge. This is hard to do because you must fit in but it is necessary to do on occasion even if not necessary but purely to exercise one’s self-control and worthwhile will lest it become atrophied and forgotten. You are in charge of you and when they arrest your boss they will arrest you too. Just as when they reward only your boss you will know that the work she has stolen from you was greatness made by your mind and hands. And knowing is more important than any prize even if you have to starve tonight and the next month.

No to emotions. Sometimes we feel giddy like little school girls, and that can be wonderful. But it can also make us bubbling idiots who shame the good young women and their skipping fancies. Time and place for emotions, and we get to chose. Just as with feeling terrible in the morning after you have done unspeakable things. The next day may need a bold faced you to stand up and lead a grand march for a gleaming parade of wonderful celebration. And these are different days. You get to chose who you want to be and without saying no to certain things, you will simply not be able to pull this trick off.

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