Is quite an unaware and far sighted thing. We judge people and actions thus creating a reality where there is a system of what is good or what is as bad. The following understandings of the world try to fall into place with these previous dubious dubbing of worth and validity. In that arbitrary ranking system creates an illogical and lawless but highly enforced pyramid that clouds our ability to understand things clearly because we are trying to make the world, which is bigger than what we currently know, fit into this set system of nodes that degree importance and we do so at a constant. This might make no sense so Im going to say more on where I am coming from.

There is a man named Matthew Silver who dances around in his underwear singing about how we need to stop buying things and start loving one another. Now that I have your attention as serious reader I will expound. He says that once you judge someone you are no longer free. Diving deep into this and ignoring his socially ill-represented and intellectually unimpressive attire you set your mind on being factual without judging people in a predisposed manner. That is the only way to try and understand him and his words without being bias and one you have done that, you joined his team. Rather ingenious proof he has to his logic. What is a judgement, then? When we observe and define something is understanding but judging something takes importance into account. So often is this importance irrelevant without ego or competition in mind. This makes sense from an evolutionary-psychology standpoint because we need to know what is best for our survival and who is in charge so they don’t kill us, rob us, make everyone else do evil upon us. But outside of social settings that are primitive or highly competitive, we can be closer to pure know and not getting an idea in relevance to how we have judged things before us. Children learn new things much more easily than adult in great part because they can fluidly accept new idea as they do not have anything predisposing them to think otherwise or make two puzzle pieces fit. They just freely chew on the new puzzle piece and get how it feels against their baby teeth which can fall out anyways.

When we judge others we create a normal approach to people. When we often and harshly judge others we live a fairly shitty life because it is one characterized by hate and not much friendship nor appreciation. That hate is not just on other people though, its not absolute in one room of the house. Home, is now filled with hate and we turn it upon ourselves. It happens unconsciously and without ripple or notice. We are ourselves so its hard to notice our change in action unless we step outside or begin to map out our actions before or after we do them. So the judgment turn on us and this filters our mind farther out. We hate ourselves in the way we hate others; with ranking and expectation by comparing and arbitrarily sticking to a random emotionally based system of worth. It requires being in the past and out of the moment while maintaing an honest with make-believe past and therefore an dishonesty with the future. It is highly characterized by discontent and seemingly irrational shifts in mood but highly proud and aggressive maintenance of it. It dirties the window which we see the world through when we do this and understanding becomes highly difficult and awkwardly bent to an improper angle.

So understanding the world can be done with most clarity without judgment and judgement creates a self-loathing that restricts and hurts one’s ability to reason and receive new information freely. We also judge naturally as human beings but social activities and groups cause it to happen more often and with more conviction.

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