I don’t think it wise to assume myself alone in this age and especially this generation of the worry of going to bed and the glee from staying up on the internet until the sun comes up. Specifically when doing so to preserve a state of mind. Surely the morning brings wakefulness but but more it brings a change of head. Shades of a darkening evening or soft light from morning coming calls out like awards do to physicists getting closer to breaking through a greater understanding of the world with their research. The longer one stays with this state of mind and as the normal hours disappear and only the strangest of hours come so do the gracious feeling of accomplishment. But what’s really wrong with the morning? There is a loss of a state of mind and that is what I aim to address.

A person who loathes themselves has a very full head. In contrast, a child who worries about nothing thinks about nothing. Shining smiles of joy need not explanation for their valor and honesty so that is what I stand serves as an explanation to how full a depressed or sad or morning worrisome person stands. So how do we change this morning sickness? Well look at whats going on in one’s brain! The words, the influences, recently prior and present. Tis very possible to change one’s decor.

What I have found is to keep the influences first changed. We subconsciously use the words bouncing around our minds. Personally, I like to listen to a talk by Christopher Hitchens, Alan Watts, Eddie Izzard, and change my music selection for the morning(even if not to start off a day to change the current state or the prior setting) to White Stripes, Incubus, Tchaikovsky or currently, Van Canto. This is outside influence and the next is one’s scenery. Walking outside is always good because sunlight is good for the body and them chemicals run us. But more easily is to imagine a place, in your head and visualize yourself being there. Yeah, this is sort of that “go to your happy place” thing. And its quite silly but incredibly simple and not cheating unless you stay there and won’t leave. Really embrace that place with all of your senses. Don’t give it a postcard glance but bask in the air, wind, colors, views, temperature; feel yourself there. Its revitalizing as fuck, and not wishing for another world but refreshing your senses to what you like.

The next thing I would like to suggest is to clear your head out. Cleaning house of thoughts, even if they are good its better to at least know for sure what is in your head. Take inventory of emotions traveling your mind, words that are at closest to mind and sentences and premises which sit in your train of thought’s conductors chair to the caboose. Create thoughts you like, make sentences you want to hear. Strongly do I insist that you think of five things you would like to happen that day and think through the likely happenings of the day to find itself that way. And, as always, free yourself from any sort of understanding or conviction that something CAN’T happen. Loudly and proudly and with sensation imagines the successes of your day and good things coming to you and those you love. Most importantly, let pride and happiness be in these things, not skepticism and irritation at how silly they sound.

Finally after all of this I would say that you should thank your mind for existing and letting you do this, the ideas outside your head for coming to you, the good things in the world for existing, and stuff you don’t know about for probably helping out too. Gratitude is a very high form of happiness and to praise makes them feel better, feel important and, selfishly now, encourage more of such.

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