When a person calls something evil, a judgement has been made. Truth is that good and evil only exist by relative speculation and arbitrary decision. A person can decide they love something that another person hates and both are right. Calling something evil persists that evil by cementing the feeling onto something real. To continue to hate something, or to just hate, is what keeps evil alive. Even if that thing stays around, the emotion a person assigns it is up to them. Arbitrarily persisting evil is destructive to ones perspective and their world; and more importantly, the real world.

There are too many names for how a person keeps their own individual world going; homeostasis, zen, peace with God, persuasions and moments all of them. This world is run by randomness and humans like patterns, so we observe them. Perhaps they’re really there, and perhaps we like what we believe so we work hard enough to bring them into life. But one thing among all of this is sure: We find what we seek. To judge something is to create a continuance. The goal of life is to be happy, successful and have the world come to you. So judge this as perfect and make yourself happy with the arbitrariness of judgement which free consciousness will allows. That is the real key and to keep that up against tests, stresses, disasters, and treachery; they are perfect and so are you, right the fuck now.

Allowing yourself to sit, and be comfortable in something is what declares it your’s. Emotional states a person is faking or doesn’t believe in are obvious as the person is unsteady and doesn’t fit. So finding what you’re seeking means creating your perfection and allowing yourself to be comfortable in this. Creating more evil via judgments is freaky and takes the space to make happiness as well as invests it in the toxic. Create the space you want to exist and let yourself be comfortable in this feeling, it will then fruit more. Answer to yourself and say it like you mean it.

There is a matter of fate versus destiny. It is easier to claim there is a divine plan or that the universe will things into action. Assuming something bigger than you is in control of your actions and feelings is begging to be dominated and the worst kind of childish imaginable. One’s fate is what falls upon you where as destiny is where one ends up. We define our destiny and fate is whats thrust upon us. Never see it as perfect nor do you judge it, but critically analyze it with perfection in mind. Where you take your fate is your life, and that is what you must call perfect for it is you in action. A person in stagnation is not a human being. Let this be perfect, aim high, and get being. Be here, be here now, be perfect here and now.

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