To want to be in the future requires not being fully comfortable in the now. Anxiety is a pushiness to be elsewhere at all points, a fallacy and unanswerable question. The insatiability comes with a natural burst of energy that is the human psyches need for change. This draws from other energy one could invest and greatly from ones focus. Titling this energy as good is a mistake many do with enjoying the rush due to its normalcy in their particular social circumstance. A trick for the tact of enjoying anxiety is deriving a full scope of the assuredness in ones ability in the perceived future. Why not use that now? Why can’t that perfect other yard work function here? Test the bravado that the presumed perfection of the next chance brags and sells with. How could this moment be made perfect? It’s fully possible yet the worries are different, mainly in that they’re immediate. It’s more brave to make yourself perfect now than to design a perfection elsewhere. The future and past always wish they could be now in their best moments and wildest dreams.

This comes not without the knowledge that there can always be better rather the transformation from this to better. Moving to a better is progression, acceleration is uplifting and desirable so to enjoy the moment as improving is supercilious than to be in a wanting, needy, helpless and hopeful state. Allow ones self to predict and feel the emotional state of the success as a casual, a destined end point creates a wealth and propellant. Hope is a paradox as it stands when there is something wanted so as to gaze and drool rather than to pursue. It is a safer place to the scared mind and a silly place to the able one. Designing a higher state of being is absolutely an amazing feat of upper level thinking. By no means does that give it a front seat to being in the moment, thinking zones do not operate on a caste system. Both must exist but ironically both have their time while both can still be functional nearly simultaneously.

The illusion of fleeting time is delectable to pallets of unplanned prone to premature conclusive bounds. There is always time because all we really have is time. Spending it is impossible as it simply is and yet dividing it is possible. A persons attention span does not fare so well. The more we split our attention is the farther from real it becomes where as time doesn’t care because it’s attention to detail is not a dynamic or possible malfunction. Each topic demands nothing and a fullest respect. Its rightful empaths will demonstrate a grasp of this while greedy folks will jump at much they will find later that they care not for said topic, simply that they had been ill convinced they needed it. If a true intent and interest is present then the topic will both, not either, present itself again or remain so memorable that the viewer will create a memory long lasting at an instant. This can of course be learned an ability. But a person can also lie to themselves about who they are and live an unhappy life as they can procure skills which speak wildly vivid to them as calling does.

One of the simplest and most effective curses of anxiety in this time deflation is one wants too much; greed is the center of anxiety. Anxiety says plan too much and at the end of that day, no one can be complete. The anxiety flares on after it asks for that which cannot be given. Allowing this fuller understanding that time is expansive instead of finite, moves this silliness away. An order becomes a joke or nonsense. Make plans and make them make fucking sense. To say you’re going to do sixteen things that day is to literally say today will fail. The world will throw nine new games and plans at you in this sun’s circling of the Earth. Don’t eat your own tail while begging for more food from the anxiety.

A distrust in the future stems and is defended by a distrust in ones self and ability. While creating a better future to look at which will culminate an atmosphere of direction, it cannot overcome a distrust in the self. Looking at ones self and deciding you like who you are and what you can do is a key of pinnacle essential. Remember that you only are who you make yourself, a freedom that can never be removed. Your next action is always free and you are at a constant allowed into the realm of ideas as not a king but a god.

The workings of this anxiety can be inherited or accepted without either a poor version of ones self of a shitty future. This is one of the issues with not objecting to idiocy. It’s ways can become ones own simply by acclimation or commiseration even though one does not subscribe to fear. To focus on the confidence, that being how sure of effectiveness in their actions and ability one is, gives way to proper action leading to a fulfilling end. This means looking at each step of that confidence not just the solidarity of the confidence but it’s movement, expansion, and characteristics of its inertia.

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