It is always wonderful to have a trick nobody else knows about. This is a feeling most people have witnessed and few have pulled off. Since its common to know though it can be common to pursue, sad and true to say it is not. The wink is one based on the faith of creativity. There can be another way is the theme.

Never find others or worldly forces bigger than you but see them as a certain variation of the sands of existence blended together. Catch your position, re-gauge your goal. Examine what your opportunities are and ask yourself what you’re afraid of? this is a faith in yourself above reason and current because the you on faith’s base is in the future where you figure this out. Life is a game not a punishment. Keep playing, keep thinking, and enjoy this chaos as you create new order.

The fear of this not being an option is living in a state and world controlled by fear. We are always creating the state we exist in. The next step is totally free and the you in five minutes can be anybody. Future is unwritten and probably offended at the simple mindedness crying that the past will repeat itself. Accepting that the panicked mind projects and seeing the brain do that as a show rather than your own action is key. Watch your thoughts as they are not you but things you get to pick, dismiss, and mold. Every and any thought can be made into something good. Anyone who tells you differently worships a God out to destroy you.

One big issue will a person allow themselves this sort of confidence? The answer lay in what restrictions we put upon ourselves. That is the key, all real rules and regulations are only the ones a person put on themselves. It is not someone else’s pain that is your problem, anyone else’s fear that is your issue, nobody else’s insecurity or worry but the ones you make matter. And that requires being inside your head therefore you accepted and made the thought. A large portion of this trick is allowing yourself to dismiss doubt as lazy. Only a quitter sees a wall, this ace move is used by those who innovate and think creatively. There is always a way to look at a situation as beneficial and dismiss what doesn’t serve you. Your thoughts work for you or you’re actively hurting yourself.

Being resourceful is the root of all genius. Thinking of new and clever ways to approach things with accurate criticism and poignant progress is why we can fly in outer space. This is not a cockiness but an emergent mentality. Use it with care as the ego can get engorged and dissent from blame rather than find an accurate place of movement in accepting the infinite space for new ideas.

Live in the mobility of imagination and the malleability of time. There is no wrong answer because the magic word,”yet” exists. There are mistakes, yes. There will be failures too. Stopping is the only true failure as one learns from their mistakes and continues to push forward, they exist on the grounds of no defeat.

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