People hold such high regard to their values and behaviors when confronted with them from an outside source yet have no recognition of their own faults in those fields when totally present. Its good for a person to be around those they have low regard or distaste for in that it makes them see more concretely and completely that which they prefer not in finer detail and exhibition. When left alone or in proper and chosen setting the fallen does not show face yet since it is a defected trait of that person it must have resonated and originated from them. Without proper attention the tended rose grows wild into a thorny bush.

It is part of the human mind to find joy and happiness in growth. Childish is the opposite of the work it takes to maintain such ways. We tend to run from such work after absconding with their torch. The farther we go the less lit it is. But still people run because that’s the fun part. Watching and planning our steps in surveillance of possible mishap is more seen as worrying not as precision and excellence. The best advertise as though they do things naturally. Like it just comes to them through some predestined divine channel and to emulate such, the normal populous and fanbase creates arrogance rather than attention to detail as they are sold bullshit with a silver spoon on a billboard’s bill-tab.

To correct friends we have is good but to become known for correcting is to bother and irritate. Likewise, to need such correction is to be an irritant. So this devil’s advocate work seems to only exist, and not persist, in an out of comfort or norm strike of weather. It may well be good to pretend to play in the lightning so as we may learn to walk with trained feet instead of muddy slushing while we carry our heads in the clouds but our trails mush on bullshit.

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