In conversation we have habits to which we adhere that define us and relate us to the world. In this is a trick to change reality. There are social orders of dominance, expectations, motives, themes, acceptable humors and standards and much more. It is quite easy to imagine what a happy person would be like because we have all talked to one and the style is already inherently in us. If we want to make a change in ourselves then our conversation will inadvertently change as well. I was speaking with an ex of mine and the conversation’s topic was lovely, we both well behaved but the tone and vibe was very competitive and needy; fitting to the past relationship. She and I both were fantastic friends for a couple years prior to falling for each other and the conversation styles drastically changed from the different periods of our relationship. To address how one speaks to another is to engage a conscious goal and upon that application it vibrantly reveals what the normal conversation is. We subconsciously engage in the same style of relations with people and turn to autopilot. So what does one want out of a conversation? I would like to encourage and cultivate people to be the best they can be. Asking this or expecting this will turn to a feeling of demand. Quick dismissals to conversation directions unfitting. So no, not that way. Celebrating who they are can come off as wanting, ass-kissing, need, showing low-self worth. So I say celebrate what you speak of and find grounds you can both celebrate. The trick to this is one must realize what and where the other person wants. To try and figure it out in a clever, charming fashion comes off manipulative and overly strategic for it to be genuine. But genuine enthusiasm and care for another from seeing their body language, tone, facial expression is quite strong. Express one’s self about things that excite you and them both in a conversation but keep in mind their and your motives. A conversation is about discovering more of the universe that is each other and it is quite fun when celebrated.

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