This is the battle that heroin addicts face which all men must fear but that all men have tasted. When is it that we give in to satisfactory feelings and rewards over purposes, meaning, plans, truth and empathy? It can be often and tiny with small theft and white lies to keep candy and money in one’s pocket or it can be huge and single when one turns a blind eye to a tragedy at hand so to flee to their comfortable life a block away. Responsibility is one of the greatest forces this world spends on us humans. When we run from it, we kicked a gift horse in the mouth to return to the tit of a dry nurse.

Complacency is a killer of stories. Once a true lady hath put away her dancing shoes and settled down, she knows the coming story. A contingency plan kills adventure, true adventure. Retreating to the place of comfort is not the truest and holiest of tests to truth’s funeral date. That honor finds the quill at named retreat. We run back to safety, we leave the storm to find our homes, we try and go back to old happiness. We fear the future so we try and run to the past. But we sail no DeLoreon.

To feel something is not really there unless some new skin has been broke. Meaning creates feeling and mistaken often is sweetness when nuance is the name, we doubt what we don’t know. Happiness is found as a by-product of finding meaning says Viktor Frankl on his search to define meaning in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany; He had full focus. So when we try and run from something new, scary, impossible so upon our crib’s comfort and embrace what we really doing is trying to eat old fruit instead of trying new ones. Passion fruit may look strange at first but I swear it will be more delicious than any old thing you’ve had. Because its new and because you don’t know it, yet.

To assign every step as a parry between fear and bravery is a disgusting insult to the detail which makes true beauty in existence. That said, insult I shall. To build a beautiful and true world we must stay and stride for truth with every step because each wrong step is fully understood. Slip ups are rushed and not excusable, for we conscious beings as the gifts we eat we must also sow. Pick up that trash if you want a beautiful world. Defend that man if you want the police to be true. Chase your dream if you want sunsets and rainbows to shine. This is not a trick but we do try and trick ourselves out of something gorgeous and its become something of a cultural normalcy. Watch your feet.

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