Humans beings live in a mindset of projection. We think we know the world and our surroundings because that makes us feel safe, we need to BE safe to live from an evolutionary sense. Being happy and confident(from our awareness) creates momentum and comfort that the human mind needs to function fluidly, and since lions and bears don’t eat us when we think the world sucks we haven’t evolved to stop imagining a bad world. Positive thinkers and self-development coaches teach us that, evolution doesn’t. But what’s in seeing a bad world?

As a person sees lesser of others or judges them, they are no longer free. We create a prison of standard worth with a law of hate as the judge. Usually it comes from someone judging us and us staying a chain in the wavelength. But what it does to break this chain is not only improve the world by ending a wavelength of hatred, but it empowers the perceiver.

What happens when a person sees incredible prowess and greatness in another person? To see them as better inspires them to be better, which is the quickest route to make the world better place. Social cues are huge factors in human behavior, just as a shitty teacher or a good teacher can drastically shift a person’s life. In a moments of seeing the wonder inside a person and looking at them as though you’re excited for what they’ll bring to the table, they can be sparked towards greatness. Everyone’s heard the tragic sob story of a bus driver or a server or some stranger being a prick and that DESTROYING someone’s mood all day. It works the other way just the mother-fucking same.

It opens a bigger world for us to live. Right now we are not having a conversation on this topic because I am not next to you. We react to the available options we know and have. Here’s my phone number 714 381 0359, now you know of a way to call me. All the same style when one judges others as shit heads, selfish, prudish, elitist, cold, and whatever else they blind themselves to options THEY DO HAVE. If we imagine a greater world in how we see others, way more options appear. Social behavior is a self-fulfilling prophecy more times than people are comfortable knowing; monkeys with shoes are easily led and charmed. As we look at people as amazing do we create grand and vastly more options for us to chose from.

More space for us to grow as we opens up as vectors of love and high achievement become intimately available and near ourselves. In seeing people are beneath us instead of perhaps above us and inspirational, we create a ceiling. As humans think we do so in reference, reaction, or relation to what is around them. Being the smartest person in the room is bad for one’s growth and success as it doesn’t make you see higher as the standard. IN seeing amazing things in others do we create immediate growth within ourselves. Doing otherwise limits us.

When we beat down others, we are actually in denial about ourselves. The hate we push on them or the world, no matter how deserved, is our action; it defines us by being a product and action of ours. Nobody tells you what to focus, you are in control of that and your choice there creates the thoughts and actions available. The attacking of others is almost always the pain we see in ourselves and how we last out at others. Read that three more times and know that it’s psychologically tested and fact as well as the human bias to dismiss it from truth. Accepting this will make you a happier person faster than winning the lottery. So stop doing this, notice the beats you give out and check yourself; then be glad you didn’t pay it backward.

It also allows our ego to heal. They will assist us and care for us where we didn’t know, because we cant, we were hurt. They may even inspire us back. To do something amazing and more fabulous for ourselves than we ever would have thought of on our own. This world is a collective conscious hive, we inherit all the cultures and minds on it as accessible. Why not spark the firework show?

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