What beats us up over and over again is our insecurity. There’s not some magic reason a topic harasses a person. A person places themselves on the subject story where they’re lacking or meant for harm. This can come from an ill-managed desire to BE something, an obsession gone awry. Or it can be something one is afraid of and either way is unacceptable in living as a free being.

Any pain that is not dealt with properly, will return. When something presents itself as a strife that must be addressed on a regular basis the appropriate response is to relabel it as something not irritating but normal. Allowing pain to continually come from something is living a shitty life. Fix it or accept that it is normal and let the unwanted stimulus be labeled as something else. Address hurts and attacks to the self in life, torture and is not a way to life.

There are things that you avoid constantly, things that bother you constantly, things you don’t think you can do, and all of these have deprecations at the base of them. When you find yourself in that downward spiral we all know, what is the commentary to yourself about what you “should” be doing? These are all fears that you’re hooked to. There is a story where they’re important and you need to get the fuck off of those wavelengths. If they were truly productive or pragmatic and true, then they would be saying the good final effect of completing the action. That is how a person becomes driven and what they want. Attacking one’s self is purely giving the self shit because one has grown accustomed to deserving shit. You don’t need to do that to yourself, end that story and make your life one where you take actions and create thoughts that move you forward. There’s a billion trillion thoughts out there which you’re not having and all a mind really is, is the thoughts that person collect and lets keep flowing there.

Reductionalism is the key to dismissing these self-deprecations, these fears. What is at the core of why and what you’re beating yourself for? Take not being able to be in charge of a company or give your current boss instructions for example. Will someone get mad and punish you? Why would that happen. Is your advice not keen and productive? If it is, then you are helpful and progressive. Find the root of the fear and dismiss it with valor in your own motives and strength in reasoning. Remember that nobody has ever judged you for something you haven’t yet done and that opinions of who you are can changed with a single event.

Categories of fear are vast and to answer them rather than questions and dismiss them means one cannot truly live; they have fear blocking themselves. So with this in mind, ask,”what is absolutely great and wonderful that a person could do with their lives?”. And answer with your life. Why can’t you be in charge, why can’t your happiness be a great goal to start things from? Because you haven’t started; yet. Free yourself by dismissing these wavelengths and starting only the ones you love.

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