Our experiences and perceptions of them join to form our expectations. These projections determine what we accept into our lives both in decisions and our scope. As we see many shitty things others see many great things because of the way they define the same friend we call fiend. One may miss a great site because they are staring at the bird shit on their window too hard.

What one brings to themselves is largely determined by what they’re thinking about. Sticking to the failures is bad because it brings focus and fruition to more of its kind. Projecting is throwing out aims and endpoints of goals with a full image in the brain. Once one projects then they can plan and work. Without good, planning failure isn’t assured but floundering is likely. Without good projecting, enjoyment and passion is either an accident or an outside force; a guest shooter on one’s mind’s action team. The act of projecting is seeing yourself succeed in the ways you would like to succeed. If you can see it then you can believe in it. Planning is all a matter of will and work at that point. And work is fun when you’re passionate about what you are doing. So project well.

People project bad shit so often that they guarantee themselves bullshit failures. This IS their fault even if there circumstances against them which aren’t. The act of thinking things out in a poor manner is an action against one’s self. One could be planning out what they do want and instead they’re planning out what they don’t want. If you do it the OTHER way around, it’s good navigation. Whenever you are projecting shitty happenings, you’re setting a stage that your actions and feelings will fall into naturally; only they happen to be shitty, so don’t do it that way ANYMORE EVER.

Expectations create a mood, theme, poise, and expression in a person. Other people react to a person’s expressions, mood, poise, and theme. People are what run the world or are the world. Outside of a social experience, it works the same way with the actions we take that create our life. If we expect no big space ship to come pick us up to save the Zarchillians, then we won’t climb the highest hill in town and wear our trusty red space hat. Then if they do show up, we’ll be off picking our nose and missing it. Because we expected it to not happen so we behaved differently. Controlling our expectations and having patience with the world is a very keen form of magic that involves trust and will without immediate or sure evidence for product. And as we trust and will harder, it seems sillier but repeatedly works better. Expectations can destroy a person if they become hair triggers or they save a person if they have patience.

A person blinds themselves if they look too hard for other things and won’t see what’s real in front of us. It is called a researcher bias when you look so hard for something they you turn anything into evidence with rationalization and jumping to conclusions. There is always a blind spot too for the things we miss when we put our full attention elsewhere and aren’t open to new ideas. Or open enough. Removing blindspots means being open-minded in ways that we haven’t been before. This can be as simple as thinking things through, asking questions, googling things and volunteering helpful information to as complicated as imagining a hippo on a skateboard busting through your wall and allowing THAT level of open-mindedness to pervade. It is human to blind ourselves because simplifying things into schemata makes life more easily navigated. Unfortunately those prototypes and scripts roll out way too easily and hold a person back even more quickly. In projecting one may only be unblinding themselves or the process of turning off a blinder may be all one needs to unblind themselves.

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