The questions we ask ourselves creates the set of ideas we have. What scenario of emotions and options those questions being up become our trains of thoughts inspiration stations. To ask what’s wrong or why is this broke all the time instead of what’s the best or how much fun can I have here all have incredibly different mental states. Checking and aiming these is a little mind bending and brilliantly beneficial.

There is no barking orders nor requesting because what one wants, if they live in a kingdom of abundance that they own, one deserves; it is assumed. All the asking need be done in proper context to create proper footing. So the simple yet grand questions must be posed in order to pose correct questions,”how do you want to feel and what do you want to do?”. Keeping these as the prime directives we move into small more finer details.

We must continue to strive towards creation and growth in all our queries. Inquisitions upon fear and broken things aren’t failed investments yet as an end point and main focus they are a waste then a shorting ones self. Always ask for the highest step after which does follow getting through the bullshit. What we aim at is how we value ourselves though.
What worries us is what measures us. The things which make us sweat show where we doubt our ability to get past it. Any moment which we invest a large amount of emotion in is clearly important to us. So worry about being happy. The goal here is to subconsciously prime pools of ideas and relative thought of things we want to attract and more things we want.
Now ask how it would feel. Take the intimate details of success and inquire to yourself as to what it would feel like if they happened.

What would it feel like when she touched me. That direct shot to the brain of visceral victorious anticipation boosts one toward their goal and springs the right barrage of thoughts forward. Wonder about victory and the rewards. Wonder about how the winning shots going to feel. Don’t worry, wonder on the joy and answer yourself. Bloom your mind with grand curiosity in a field gleaming with all that you’d need.

Give yourself a rundown of ten things you want to happen and then ten observations of what you currently love. This is for you, to yourself. You deserve whatever you decide you do. The world is run by the thoughts it inhabitants create and push forward. Get into the best story possible by thinking about it; make that your prerogative and count not doing so as a sin against yourself and the truest you.

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