A sense of broken follows from enough trauma to events outside. One finds it natural and right, then they seek it subconsciously and in that they find frame of situation to make it somehow believable. Thus they have created the self fulfilling prophecy of doubt and loathing. Not right must be dealt with and let go. Each moment is new. Thinking otherwise is simply very very stupid. And the problem is that a person is mental habits. When we feel a sense of not right and preserve it, we label ppl who don’t feel that way as stupid. We don’t confront them or their ideas instead we appeal to our own emotions and insecure need to be comfortable and correct. There is nothing wrong until we’ve seen it. If we have wonders, check them and until they’re proofed they are childish and stupid. See the sense, understand and accept it, then accept it is over and dismiss it as new is now.

Self doubt is often ironic. A person expects the world of themselves and stares at that as scary instead of giving themselves the grounds to succeed. It turns into loathing and shame without ever the smidgeon of a chance to complete it. Astounding done takes astounding pushed. A grand self doubt takes away the grounds to succeed while keeping the blame. Such is amazingly a stupid act. Don’t fucking do that, fucking ever.

And onto loathing, the greatest beast a human can know. Hating oneself is the only way a human feels hate. Inside our own mind we find ourself to be crap so we are mad at us. This can be received from friends, lovers, expectations, police, bosses but all of it is just crap data until we process it and decide we must punish ourselves. The giant hatred that can exist in ones head is the biggest enemy because they are creating it. One person has been duped into believing they must hate themselves. This is going to create NOTHING good. Guilt is the controller of people and self love is the grower of brilliance. A great fear keeps guilt in place that says what if you hurt people or fail again? It is a trauma, a feared stimulus that one will avoid. Being confident has been punished or attacked and the person attacked then feels guilty, this is their own action, so they avoid feeling confident again. Often they blacklist people who do feel confident! This is a childish evolutionary tick malfunctioning the being. You are always bigger than the loathing in your head because it’s in you. Letting it control you is stupid. Letting it exist is preserving poison.

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