The fall feels so sweet, some sleep calls loudly enough to wake our insides but caress the muscles who work. Too subtle and gentle to be wrong and too homegrown to be anything but run by our best interests. No, it must be serendipitous or holy or truth from our heart that all the love stories talk about. Maybe this is really real? But no, they’re just fucking chemicals in your brain and holy Chernobyl baby-Christ resurrection does it put on a convincing show. A big piece of the human experience is to ride these chemicals as truth along with actual truth while still being able to call bullshit when its there and still being able to trust it the moment after. In short, learning to know emotions.

We are not run by them, we are run by our decisions. We can decide to tell the crazy girl “no”, we can say no to the cool kids and their dumb ideas, trendy styles and stupid haircuts, we can say no to that bottle or needle or pill that calls so loudly. More immediately and less strenuous, we can say no to getting mad at Steve for being an idiot because its not a big damn deal that he burnt the company hot dogs. Freakin’ Steve…

Always is it our choice to react to something. Just so is it our choice to tell our minds, “I don’t want to feel like this. I want to feel like that”. And if that astounds anyone, those folks need to burn the books they’re swearing to and start writing their own story. Or, realize they always have been and stop following a script not their own. You are in control of your emotions and your life. Just as with everything else in life, time and space will run first hand. The chemicals may flow hard and the mistake at work or love or school on traffic may take time to clean up. But you can decide to feel how you want and do as you want, and you can after you make it through that bs. We rarely chose who we fall in love with, but we can chose if its a good idea to follow those emotions. Freedom of choice, the power of will is something they can never take away until an individual allows it.

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