Having big plans is a funny idea that will never bloom lest it has set actions for all the change and explosions normal life holds. Going to college, getting a steady job, falling in love with the kids and stuff then the whole happily ever after tale is a huge farce and everyone who isn’t selling you something will agree. Life starts as soon as your plans start falling apart because of outside interference. To restrict ourselves from doing what we feel is right, what draws and excites a person for sake of interfering with a big plan is actually flawed logic; real life and that sublime enthusiasm is of higher order than the safe and sturdy path. Life works in patterns and the more people accept that they need this plan while pushing away what burns their passions then the less they can even notice these heart quakes and the more they disappear into the herd. Doing what is immediate is more pure than our culture would ever admit or heavily campaign the opposite because people in order are people more easily moved and controlled, thats good for business. Follow your heart, have a great conversation and speak your mind then see what really shows up. Make your own big plans.

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