Progress is a relative term in one’s life. Take the person who has three companies, an art gallery and an amusement park compared to the person in debt three grand, losing their house, driving a beat-up car and wearing dirty clothes because the washer is broke. Progress can happen the same to both of them and it still counts as progress either way. If they each make some money and enjoy what they do today, that’s progress. It is important to always count progress regardless of what your situation. Without awarding happiness and merit to moving forward sustains moving forward. Wallowing in what one has, actions have become obsolete compared to objects; nouns are crap until they have verbs.

As we try to improve our lives, we set a goal. That old crap idea that you aim for the star, end up in the heavens and call it a fair day is only crap because the stars are ambiguous and relative when applied to a person’s life. The biggest reason poor people stay poor, unhappy people stay unhappy, and bored people stay bored is that where they level their stays is below sea level. The concept of homeostasis is that a person pursues what is familiar, not what is good. This is why abused kids go after abusive boyfriends and girlfriends. To tare, to re-balance your zero level is to change your stars. From now on, whatever makes you financially comfortable, add 300$ to that. Where ever broke was for you is now 300$ more so now if you were comfortable, get fucking comfortable. The same with being on time, or your dating standards, or how much you’re comfortable with getting paid; hell, for a micro and extremely immediate example, only like things that are high brow and be more critical of what you post on the facebook. It is important to realize that the ground level is subjective and the world is abundant, we are all one system so you deserve everything because you’re part of Earth. If you want it, and it exists, you can go get it.

Unhappy people making progress are digging themselves out of a hole where happy people making progress are taking flight. Again, it is the same distance moved in the same direction, however one has a positive spin. People who are happier are people building and moving towards their goals where as people who are upset are people focused on their problems and just getting “OK” as where the happy folks are making something to be proud of! So, objects and circumstance are important then? Still, fuck no. What is important is that both groups, happy and unhappy, do the same type of work but they focus on one more so it becomes more abundant perceptually then they seek it more because it is familiar and thus it is a self-fulfilling prophecy and appears more. The happy people have all the same required drudgery going on, but they’re thinking about, and thus excited, their fun project. Putting out fires and doing dirty work is always required. But if you stare at it, then you start hating yourself, your life, and pretty much everything has a tinge of doodoo to it. So never call that crap work your goal, call it putting out a fire or some small required cleaning necessary to moving toward your higher goal. And make a goddamn higher goal!

But why are you doing this? The reason which you’re working for is more important than everything else involved. To have a strong why you’re working means you have passion and determination. To have a shitty why means you don’t care and its only going to get done if you have to and it’s surely not going to get done well. So make one up and make up a good one. Maybe you have huge dreams and you need to save the world. Maybe you’re waiting for a spaceship or wizard coven to manifest above you and you need to be prepared to go so all your shit’s gotta be in order and you a good help. Maybe you want a zeppelin and a castle by the time you’re 30 so you need to move on with your shit to get it. Maybe you need to outdo your parents or prove the assholes, bullies, or nihilists wrong or add some new color to the world. You need to do this, not want but need. It has to be sustainably important and passionately inspiring to think about.

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