Humans have this natural ability to believe things into existence. It can start as a self-fulfilling prophecy or we can take the dirt in front of us and see what can be built. There are many functions to this end but we have a way to allow ourselves to fall in love and to hate viciously. So I say, decide to fall in love with work, with reading, with strife, with dealing with awkwardness, with shitty things that get us great places. It sounds fucking crazy but that is because one perspective is convinced that who and what we are is naturally occurring outside of our control. This is bullshit. We all make decisions or are subconsciously pulled toward things or pushed from outside and avoid making a decision via being so fervently moved(and even that is a decision but ticks and tacks for this). The same way one has convinced themselves that TV is bad or TV is life one convinces themselves that school is amazing or school is shit. Despite the many experiences and “evidence” one’s brain and history may present to claim pattern the highlight culprit of one’s view is the decision that one of these subjective and malleable things is bad. If we decide reading is fun and imagine it as such, take time to fantasize now and again about how great it is, and during it reflect and look for things to fit these beaming examples of desired finds then we will find such and create a mind set that loves to read. It is in our power to change what we like, it is not easy and it might not even be considered”natural” but neither is the majority of what you eat, hear from politicians, are taught in school, or whats keeping many people alive. Greatness is achieved but so is mediocrity, we take each step and we can choose the steps we take or mindless travel.

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