Network, seek ignorance, create passion, schedule; the four glorious and needed step to success most forgotten and most essential. These are not passion burning or vengeance sparked brilliant notions of success. No, they’re the glue which holds a ship together. Many fancy and great jobs are given to the children of successful people because these skills have become second nature though these folks have nothing notable. Without these skills, brilliant ideas will go flustered and great projects will fall to pieces. It is never enough to simply have the best idea ever. It must be properly managed and sailed forward. These are the four keys outside the obvious work hard and aim high.

Networking is about who you know and expanding it. Again, rich kids get all the gold in life not because their parents always give them money but because they know who’s who and are used to staying around the most successful people. More jobs and goals happen because of having plenty of smart friends in high places than does having great skills and a great work ethic. The wealthiest of people often don’t even pay for things because they know the people who run everything. It is not hard to network. It means being social, researching events, being forward, smiling, remembering names, asking more questions than talking, making people feel important and above all seeking the highest people in the highest places and acting like you belong there. Treating a person like a friend is a weird skill for some people, start some reading like Dale Carnigie’s how to win friends and influence people then continue from there. Who you know is more important in such a big wide world, than what you can do.

Seeking ignorance sounds like looking for trouble… but not seeking ignorance means preserving it and allowing trouble to surprise you. Trying to find what you do now know and learn about it both keeps you humble and makes you intelligent. The smartest person in the room should never be you if you’re trying to grow. The next big thing is never given but comes from those who are staying up with what is cutting edge. Read more and get over yourself daily.

Creating passion is a must otherwise, why get out of bed? Having the will to finish a project is about half as important as giving a shit about it. Because if you don’t care about it, why the fuck are you doing it? Find ways every damn day to keep yourself motivated and work towards things that make you excited. Listen to music you like, exercise, have sex, go to art galleries, go have sex on an exercise bike in an art gallery while blasting music you like, find things you enjoy and that make you happy then integrate them into your day. This is just as important as eating, its fuel for your life. Recess is not the point of school, life should feel like recess feels in that you’re now free to manage your time and keep yourself happy and decide what is going on!

Scheduling means managing your time and forces you to set goals as well as plan step-by-step how you’re going to get there. Without putting events up and organizing time wisely, one can neither get something great done nor finish what they start. Time is the only real thing we’re got to spend and to spend it stupidly will prove a stupid life. Its not hard, its not complicated, its actually fun if you realize it the goal setting and seeking you want and need.

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