Humans want so badly to socialize, to be accepted, needed, important, achieved, actualized, respect, understood, to grow and make something valid. And for whatever fucking reason it is done most often and simply by attacking others who are not in your circle. Tis a fallacy such that vile and flaws reek but whats more is that a culture comes to be built around competition instead of empathy and understanding. Friends are so often fueled by fear that that they wont make new friends so they best hold onto what they have and shaking things up always holds the card of suicide. Yet we create friends over the simplest and frivolous of notions and topics. I have a friend I met because he and I have the same first name that somebody make a joke about there goes Tyler. We are incredible amigos! We have so many interests that fascinate one another! And it began off the right step. I believe anyone and everyone is interesting, passionate, fascinating, valid but it takes making them feel worth while, empathy and the sight or just knowledge of a connection to bring that out. Its so fucking easy to make amazing friends if you begin to walk down that path and give someone the credit. Its beyond silly just how minuscule the first spark to begin the fire, just that it begins. This blows my mind and is very ironic for the pain in our society’s social suicide and perspective of outsiders, how we other the unknown so stupidly and hurt the world in our tiny ego spout.

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