Without it, the merriest parade of algorithms, love, blessing, logic put together better than any painting could call color to meaning on canvas dances same steps for a unix fuck fest. As the water grows bigger for the eyeballs in a head notice it getting closer this empty party seat doesn’t fill up. Not as immediately as the other eyes would assume the eyes witnessing this growth would have in their little party a few inches behind what they see. No Lion breaking through the clouds can sing magical phrases to ignite a soul so hot that this thing fluoresces on out. No white knight or immortal champion won’t fail the same as a goddess who tugs at heart strings greater than Mozart can slam keys that slam a hammer or as much as Atlas could create force if he slammed down his burden.

And its sad, to know, that we’re not alone in this. The life we lead, we can conquer everything, if we could just get so brave as to get out of bed in the morning. Once, long ago, in a land we won’t forget but can’t get back, this passion burns. Children do the things men can’t where our lies back up our lives as they have grown together. One can decide they want to be happy.

In our shiniest of kissing, spit out onto the world’s face in the name of a smiles which comes more rarely than shooting suns but swears on the blood making the limelight’s lit heart swing there is no beating this verdict. We have full access to all and any tools that could tear down nightmares and cheer up Mr. Morningstar at his desk. It is here that most people, myself at the least, enrage the writ of hubris. I call for the biggest demons after such divine understanding is felt and understood. But now it gets here. And Im just lost of all my tools.

People with depression, mood disorders, rage issues, and so many more emotional titles that don’t fit a monster untamable yet housed by good souls all have the same weakness but a different path after that holes is seen. We can choose we want to be happy, we can always chose this. When it sounds stupid, remember, we have free will to decide what is stupid and what we want to chase. It may destroy many of the deepest darknesses to believe this as it castes years of their lives, oaths and fights sworn on money, blood and so much more that doesn’t exist or count. But it is always true because the future is never written. Only a liar believes that, and a salesman. Anger is a very good salesman and an even better warden. If employed, the prisoners put the burden of imprisonment and all its difficulties on their own shoulders.

Its not simple but the first step is.

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