The act of listening to another’s pain can be sympathetic, empathetic, commiserating, or lighting a mob torch fire. Regardless of what it is, that anger is not productive past its own moment and it is listening so its not yours. Being a friend and good listener are great traits but to let fellow’s hurt create more hurt within you is silly and not helping someone swim but jumping in to drown with them.

Holding onto other’s angers at someone or thing is an exercise of letting the past hold you back. The panic mind projects and the free mind creates. Assuming another’s irritation at someone will happen again is projecting, restricting both your happiness and how you see them. The scared mind judges and resents. Letting yourself be present is the goal of anger for it is one’s own natural system trying to re-align the world. To hold onto the broken parts out of worry that it will repeat is fucking stupid. Take the lesson for what its worth and use it IF it comes back into season. Letting go of the pain you have heard from others is a must.

The purest version of the self is a happy self, pursuing what they love and those things calling free to them. Holding onto poisonous thoughts blocks this. The version of one’s self in their highest mind is someone admirable and excited. No one would chose to be this toxic and blocked person by choice so letting yourself become this way is just the same poison as denying that self from existing. Let it go, and grab onto something good.

There are many resentments from damages others give us. In these situations we make pacts in our minds and hearts to never be hurt this bad again. It can be from losing loved ones, being cheated, or any kind of real trauma. But since it is trauma and not normal, making a normal state of mind based on these values is off beat and irrational. This is also an unfortunately normal thing these days. Rape, death, overdoes, bankruptcy, foreclosure, military damage, car crashes, treachery are all not normal but they do happen or are seen. It is subconsciously safer and stronger to have these in place as the subconscious is a coward; its more evolutionarily effect to be so. But these resentments make us only able to do the huge things and the small things not as important… which they are. Letting the smaller steps be important and not harboring giant pains as powers but rather lessons and leaps we’ve made is the free choice of action.

Letting go of these can be as simple as addressing them again in your mind clearly. The psyche likes to bs and say it knows things it has not thought about because pain hurts and the psyche is a wuss. Also, these topics already hurt. Letting go of them can be more complicated as figuring out new ways to see happiness and view the world. That process takes remembering that a child’s mind where all is new is a mindset no one is ignorant of. We have all had that perspective and can use it as a tool for learning.

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