As a human, we define our next step fit to the path we weave. Each monkey with shoes tells itself its own story a certain way and all stories have a spin. There are many who give themselves too much credit and many more who give themselves too little. The ones with too much credit fare far better in general. What I am proposing is to change bad luck into bad spin and grab hold of the momentum one gardens, then imagine some flowers out of nowhere since the blooms all part of your mind.

As a person who has suffered many losses, pains, betrayals, and unfounded catastrophic bad luck, I understand not being able to work hard, expect good results, or even go out for the team/job/ after the great date. Why would these feelings of worthlessness be here and why did the story happen like it did, if one didn’t deserve and fit that tale. Well, the simple truth of it is that the universe is incredibly far beyond human cognition and prediction. Even the world we humans make up is constantly changing and not just prone to, but largely defined by randomness. Most of what we do is made from our own mindset and the opportunity immediately at hand. We come from out of nothing and then afterwards bullshit our own story on a tiny measure of all the factors truly at hand. For these truths, it is not damaging to change one’s stars. Give yourself some fucking momentum since you’re the one at the handle anyways. In my opinion, its irresponsible to not tell yourself a great rising action tale.

So instead of waking up and worrying about bills to pay, expectations you can’t meet, failures of the past, make up a new fucking story. Literally, make one the fuck up. I like to imagine I just pulled off some little Nemo meets power rangers mixed with Dumbledore’s army stuff, it makes me feel magical, larger than life, and able to take on any challenges with proper headspace, strong emotional fortitude and force, and an eye for more things I love and want. Everyone has had a wonderful experience where afterwards they felt power! Write a new version of that kind of story and get yourself into it. You just stepped off a spacejet from Elon Musk’s space pirate treaty writing. If that’s too far-fetched, write a less ridiculous one. Create an over the top story that you can picture yourself in which creates a powerful emotional space to come and take on the world from.

The trick to this is realizing that no story is right because every story a person has told themselves is biased anyways. Also, nobody gives a fuck or knows your rising action. They’re stuck in their own and you’re both here and now. Its purely mental organization and using your imagination, better involved after new abilities have been brought to light.

As Neitszche said,”Stare into the void long enough and the void stares into you” so do the opposite. Stare into the stars, the bliss, your successful fantasies and bring that vibe with you. Day dream and feel it until it overflows whatever your old story is, because the past matters mountains less than the present.

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