It is a natural human instinct to repeat what it sees most, as the familiar to it becomes it’s assumed actions and gut feelings. We as monkeys in suits with phones do what we see other monkeys in suits with phones doing oftenest. Mainstreaming something is what happens literally when there is more water pushing one direction than small whirl going another direction. To be a different flow of life one must be a strong rock not moved by the masses. This is actually effortless when calculated from the action of thought control. Since reacting to the mainstream happens by one thinking about it and then exerting effort to join it, it takes less effort to NOT recognize their actions as normal and worthwhile. Is is less effort to join in on the hordes of stupidity because it subtracts the effort inputed.

However, until that energy is put into something else, something new and good and with greater reward, then suit-phone monkey will end up at the same means to the same ends. And us phone-suit apes have evolved to do the least tiring and most safe thing possible. Hence, repetition is natural and brings sloth; Damn evolution.

It is normal to repeat the actions around you, the same how little kids imitate their parents and foreign people take on the qualities of the land they’re in.

To be great, to express individuality, to achieve the highest trick on Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs of self-realization and actualize one’s self in this world one must do something different of their own design. This requires higher brain function. Understanding and perceiving a concept outside of the way it is presented, mentally exploring new approaches and applications until a better or more preferable art with the idea is found. Considering the opposite of the concept, failure of the idea, imagining the goals and future outcomes of the concept allow it to be bent in the infinity of the mind and only then will a higher product be found. This is how one creates greatness, with thought. Allowing one’s self to enjoy thinking and to not be controlled by pain, fear, hunger, strife, rejection, mistakes, is all part of falling in love with this world. Those are just dynamics in this life. So are you.

Do not get stuck on repeat, move your feet to a new beat and make something that sounds right. Make something that sounds new after fully figuring out the present.

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