This is a short story about stuff.

The forces of darkness are cunning and have whet pallets for new champions. They like to destroy and employee beings to destroy for them. They seek out vitality to rip it and encourage loathing, hatred, separation, anger. Their desire earns to live on the edges while normal things do not notice while it pushes them slightly but only if they have strength to do. This is why so many people fight back by being lazy, lethargic, sleepiness. It is a step away from doing angry horrible things, but often it is a flaw as they physically sit but mentally and emotionally destroy themselves. They work in delusions because the real existence is amazing.

Now the gods and winds and stars decided to bless upon earth a champion of love and light. They gave this young girl everything to be strong and able. Super powers were things of routine to her! And all they did was tell her if she believed then she would have and if she was patient then she could create and if she trusted and loved and let love the world then it would love and give great to her. She grew strong with these premises and recognizing the blessing of the stars, winds, and gods. The world looked to her for guidance and loved her for her help. But darkness saw this woman as too powerful a gift to not tamper with…

Darkness sent many people to see this young girl growing up. Not to inspire doubt, but make her feel guilty. Doubt would come later and is the mix of evil’s stew. Most of these people needed help and things young heroine loved to help! She was there to inspire, empathize, understand, love, help and befriend. It was her way to seek out those in the darkest of places so she could use the greatest of her strengths and shine the brightest possible! So darkness did not rear there.

In her common ground and relaxed setting is when darkness set in. The vile spirits sent to her did not want help but to blame and confuse. They did not want answer but anger and complaint. They did not want to grow but to stagnate and attacked all who called them on it or who did attempt help. And in this mediocrity of pain, she was not ready to battle. She fell to them.

Their influence made her question herself.
“Why should I be the one to help? Am I being condescending and insensitive to these people? Just like the evil ones whose mess I am trying to clean up?” she questioned herself.

And here is where doubt arouse. All the premises of loathing set, none of the pain measured, all strong battalions and weapons of love put at the side, no hate examined, authority into question and empathy given the surly name of elitism and we have a stew that could be called doubt. She spiraled down.

And she was so great!!! But she hurt herself and slowed herself. She thought people were mad at her for failing. She was worried she couldn’t do great things anymore and how the world would call her a fraud! The gods and winds would be ashamed. Stars could no longer shine for she has been a daft cure . And as she worried did she create.

Darkness knew it could not defeat such a strong willed being with such great faith to wield. So it tricked her and led her to attack herself. The boundless powers of imaginations doted upon her from divine forces could smite evil! No turn could stump her or riddle best her but she… oh she could best she and especially so if she did not realize she was doing so.

Then another, strange beast came into existence. It was not a divine creation but one from the other side. A goat demon with no ill intent but borne of hastened love and unreachable expectations. It had given up entirely, it had found no reason to live but no will to die. It was not a beast of apathy but not enthusiasm rolled of any tear it shed nor breath that first scrapped its tongue.

This uncanny bird did find the champion of champions, under a tree. The beast loved to learn but only out of need, not out of want or enjoyment. However the champion did make it smile. They grew to love one another because they wanted to destroy what plagued the other. And in this desire to smite was found real kinship, they learned to laugh again in ways they had forgot. The apathy of the goat creature brought out an idea from the imagination of our champion where the existence of this fallen champion ripped hope out of a void untouchable and unbreakable in the goat heart.

One friend made the other real in the moment and the other gave back sight and footing in a future.

It was through their realities growing in both depth and span that the champion pulled forth an idea of how much work she had put into creating horrible and destructive thoughts. Not that she could break free from them or the possible gravity of them but she did measure the amount of loathing. She used logic instead of wonder. Emotions, good or bad, do not like to be stared at. In taking into account how much work she had spent on being nearly at a constant payroll of her own destruction she decided to slow down her thoughts. Each one had to count and she would count each one of them. Honor bound and bound by honor did she begin to create ideas of greatness and take one step at a time towards helping others and herself. Every thought which doubt wheezed into her fantabulous brain was put at scrutiny. She stopped overflowing because she found beauty in nuance and that took focus, time, love. She found her way because she began watching her steps. And she remembered what she had taught her amazing goat homie, that you can plan a future and aim high. So she did, because she wanted to stay true to inspiring him. Her world began to shine again because she wanted to prove his darkness wrong and give respect to his lessons and influence.

The calvary goat now sat with a self-destructive ideal amongst his hoofs and thoughts. He could mean so much to someone so great by just letting her do simple, tiny things; but they were so great!! And he could see a future in his mind, that imagination of hers has sparked a fire in the between his horns. But he could not exist in it. He wanted to escape, for he had failed her too. Death called his name but he was ashamed yet again. Constantly sleep sounded good but nightmares and dreams teased him. Yet this future screamed! He had no plan to get there and would have to end his life to get here. He would have to plan greatness and cut himself out… so he did. He ended his life.

And in that death was a new goat born. Contingency plans tossed threw the windows as he jumped to the whispers of the wind. All logic and reason he knew cursed him. Every measure he had surely and accurately made in past times laughed at him, screamed his name as a new swear word of the highest indignity, distaste and disgust. He had his goals of the goat he wanted to be and hope was in his every hoof-step. For all the things he had worried about were in the past. His future was unwritten and he was going to be imaginative and write a new story.

They both had seen the greatness in each other and without recognizing that each other’s greatness was the ammo they had aimed in destroy their selves, they lit each other’s fuse. For each of these newly manifested gods was only able to be defeated by its own blade being against the wielder’s throat. Once the weight of such a blade was realized, the direction it could be swung just needed some surfacing. As hard as it hit them so could it be flown into the wild yonder. The circus of a beautiful world only needed to be looked at to spring into action.

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