“On land you may command, but at sea it is me! Waagh Waagh Waggh” said the Penguin to the Joker as they got onto the penguins submarine. It brings to mind who rules in which setting. Sea legs are those sailors posses and pirates prance on but on a dance floor or any sporting competition, that wobble will hinder something awful and astray steps be made.

There are many things which people do which they feel and/or call their own. Some people draw, some people socialize, some people stare at the sunset, some people dance but everyone has their own two cents they would call worth every dollar of a pay check if taken away. It is that little inch that you never give up. You can be bullied or abused, misunderstood, or strained but that one little thing you do is epic to your universe and it must be kept secret. I have always been very agile and since college become rather socially affluent and entertaining. People laugh at my jokes and I can relate well to people. The current job I have puts me in sand and with a wonderful caste of great people who I can’t seem to make laugh or find recognition in; its fucking killing me. I aim to find something about myself which I respect about me and I look to the clouds because I have always been swept away by the sky’s awesome beauty and inspiration… but we work inside. The losses and dead ends I face here are coming up short with the tender to fare my time spent at this particular place of work.

It is always a need, not a goal or want, to be celebrated for who you are rather than told who you need be. While many types of anxieties and irritants range in growing a strong personal relationship with coworkers and introducing the eccentric I am to them, this may not be the place for me. I feel I have no footing here. A personal feeling of unbalance follows with a physical one when that person values it so highly.

Just like facial micro-expressions can be explained is how our footing can be explained to us; we already intrinsically know it but are inherently aware of its existence. Self-discovery is tantamount to success, because not matter how hard it runs you shouldn’t put a pony in the Kentucky Derby.

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