The key to being strong is to defend your weaknesses. Alas, part of being human is the being part that matters. We are determined by our behavior. So what this exercise aims to do is call out what we believe we can’t do and make a list to overcome. There is nothing a person cannot do but our lives have us believing otherwise because society, our culture, and so often our parents have believing that failure is tied intrinsically to our shadows. It’s not, lets find those cant’s.

Two parts of this include looking at yourself as someone other than you, make a clone and stare at them. This allows you to accurately see your short comings. Second, invent a person who can do all these things. One of the best places to start is the positive sector.

Take people you admire and are close friends with then identify what it is about them you like most. Here are the qualities you wish you had and which you will now put into you superhero, divine savior, robo-teddybear, fairy-godmother that we’re making up. They don’t need a backstory just abilities and values. Give this person some gravity though.

What aren’t you doing which you would like to? Who are you afraid of confronting, or just being around?what do you have no faith in?What thoughts and situation make you feel depressed or anxious? What are you angry about? What bothers you? Hate, resentment, jealousy? Where have you failed? What is expected too highly of you? In short, what can’t you do?

A good directive for this above activity is to look at yourself on your deathbed and wonder what you will regret. There are some things you have to do and things holding your story down which you need to be gone for a fulfilling life and the threat of never doing that erects their presence rigidly. Take that which bothers you most in other people as a sign for what you’re holding against yourself. This is an obvious sign that its bothering you as its prime in your perception of things.

I can is the mantra we’re going after now. The secret is to imagine your hero doing these things and believing them as a guide to you, as you as them and repeating these steps. Finding your fears is a great way to actually discover what you are passionate about since it is already excitement in itself. Fear is the mind’s reaction to danger which is just excitement with the chance of damage. So if one is going to make something matter an easy way is overcome threats and bounds which hold people back. Pushing the world one knows makes one a more free person, makes you an adventurer. There is a way to be the I can and it takes planning and action; the tossing of everything else is key before these can be clear and full fueled steps.

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