It is ironic and quite funny how strong many people state and act like their faith is. But they do not use their faith, test their faith, or put their faith to action anywhere near a hard grading stone. People rather just boast about their faith. From hippies with zen-acid’d out flow in the world to upstanding christians there is a tremendous lack of action compared to the extremely large sum of stated worth for faith. They would each, and many sects inbetween, have others believe that their faith can move mountains. Pray, find your place with the way of the world, feel the flow of energy, project your intent and trust the universe/god/jesus/allah/krishna/flying spaghetti monster. But they don’t this. That is the extremely potent and miraculous abilities they sell are not seen in action by these people yet they pay homage, time, and soul to their respective gods. Its as if they want others to think high of them, as if they don’t believe in anything but like the belongingness and feeling of doing right and comfort from a bigger sense of things rather than actually believe and go deeper into the faith they boast on about. Perhaps they just aren’t willing to go farther down the rabbit hole but to say something is so powerful and then to buy into it completely without ever tapping into it… sounds like paying for a Maserati and then never opening the garage but just telling the neighbors about it. Take the wheel

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