There is never going to be a pure investment plan of yourself that doesn’t have any drawbacks. Some better overall collaborations will have you more happy than sad but nothing will be perfect and trying to be that way will make you skip some shitty things while robbing you the means to move forward on a hundred times more great things. Knowing your own values is key but staying “pure” to them will screw you royally as that is not how life works, its a heterogenous experience. There must be sacrifices but here what I am focusing on is balancing the loss and the gain.
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To get money, you can do a lot of things. The people who have a lot won’t give it up easily and the quick jobs always suck because nobody wants them or they’re incredibly dangerous. If someone is looking to get you to work for them, they don’t want to do that and are going to make tons off your work while you make little. This sucks for you if you weren’t born into money; it takes money to make money or you have to do grunt work unless you want to invest a lot of your thought and time into being clever or risk a lot and be dangerous. Now, I suggest taking crap work nobody wants but only from the highest and best people. Positions people hate often are more often black listed because poor people resent them not because they’re evil or bad. It is easier than putting your heart and soul into something as that makes money the more important draw than the work. There’s a concept called the over justification fallacy where we the ability to provide for ourselves becomes a larger draw than anything else a thing can produce so doing what you love, does whore it out.

This is why I preach do work you don’t love but is fun and gets you somewhere, and shows you something new. The old adage”IM gunna do what I want and Im gunna get paid” by St Waits is something of nonsense. Letting go of the need to work is ripping from the fabric our country and likely your socio-economic upbringing has taught you to see as important. Now, what are your goals though? Do you want to build a company? Do you want to travel the world? Do you want to move into a new land? It is essential to sacrifice to get here. If your values are so great that you won’t change your habits that means your goals aren’t as important as where you are now. This is normal childish bullshit and people usually have to discover it for themselves or never discover it at all. Sometimes cutting your hair and getting a good paying job doing something shitty gets you to your goals faster and is worth the small loss when you look at the larger gain. It’s petty and stupid and human to view your story’s congruency as high treason and divine combat to drop… but is choosing to stay in the shit you hate or is far from you longer a bigger drop? Its a simple set of checks and balances after you get the stupid human defensiveness and ego-trips out of the picture. Set your goals, weigh the loss at the shit work compared to the shit life you’re stuck in and see if where you’re at is less acceptable than waiting longer for where you want to be.

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