Many people suffer from not allowing themselves to enjoy life as it comes to them. They have candy, achieve goals, properly orgasm, get A’s, or their work done or their work done well but they do not bask in that moment of happiness. Usually they jump to the next need even the whole while that jumping should make the next goal superfluous but they chase it like an enthusiastic mouse all the same. So take a moment to enjoy something. Pick one thing, be it the color of your shirt. And fully indulge on that. Enjoy it, bask in just that enjoyment. Now go find a cookie and eat the cookie, all the while enjoying every bite. Take into consideration the way you chew, how the flavors mix, and find more things it reminds you of that are good or ways the cookie is enjoyable. Allow yourself to enjoy just that moment of cookie hood. Now remember that basking and enjoyment then realize that you are always working towards something you want and when you get that something you will recall the journey with appreciation. So appreciate the journey with that same allowance and relaxed admiration the cookie experience was given.

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