A world of pretense is not a world where people play pretend joyously but attempt to impress each other at a constant whilst fiending to their insecurities and wasting away. What truly matters to a person only really needs their own approval. At the end of the day anyone else’s opinion matters because you decided it matters. Ain’t no magic distribution or bank account for that shit, its all in your head. It is too normal to get caught up in what other people think and become a cog in this slave machine of keeping up with the jones; and in the end the jones would actually love you if you broke out of their system. They might cringe at first but that’s how fear driven people react to the new.

Allowing yourself to be silly is one of the most immediate and real characteristics a person can give themselves in a moment. The alternative of always being serious creates a worthless distribution of worth. The spectrum of intense never really has to be present, it is only a person’s fear that drives one to be angry then hold that tone as serious that creates the illusion of need in seriousness. Being angry makes one passionate but being focused and precise doesn’t only come from being serious. And the ability to enjoy something is the most volatile aspect of silliness. Enjoying something propels one to be more involved and focused.

The shift in one’s consciousness when they first went to a concert, had their first kiss, went to HS, read a mind expanding book is something that becomes limited as one forces themselves to be old and stops being open to these kind of expanding experiences. Being silly dismisses the facade of importance and standards of manners or “class” thus allowing for a person to grow. Staying stuck into these strange arbitrary exhibitions of behavior is the misuse of importance. Allowing new things to be as important as old is one means by which a person stays young, its being present instead of defining the world on old rule’s accord. The concept telescopic lensing in memory and perception is that when a person has seen many things, a new thing seems much smaller in comparison as to when they have little or nothing to compare an experience to, this new thing can be overwhelming. All things can be overwhelming and it a person’s perception, their decision to make something smaller by staring at their old instead of being totally here and now robs them of some of the immediate moment’s bliss.

Forcing importance is also a self-defense mechanism. True happiness does not take effort but is a clarity of mind and then a wave of joy. The need to be important and serious all the time is an imagined lack of worth and readiness. Holding the self down as a means for being proper and productive is counterintuitive; the point of being proper and productive is create something and be happy from that so allowing silliness to enchant your own ways reverberates the point forward.

Being real also means being sad or upset. Anais Nin writes that trying too hard to be objective actually robs one of it. Being a human involves subjectivity. The emotions we experience will come to a full end of their story and that full scope reveals the objective truth only after full immersion and subjectivity has been expressed. Letting emotions be real allows them to not bottle up and distort intended behavior and state of mind.

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