There is so much to make us forget what a blast being alive is and has the potential to be. Each moment is as new as we allow it to be just as each moment lasts, lingers, and impacts as much as we believe it to. Our believe and allowance may be learned so instinctual though it may appear, it is still within a choice we make. In each tiny nuance of all the moments to come and go, here is something beautiful to behold.

Now take for instance the counter allowance. That everything is meaningless. Where does this come from? What credentials hold this to be true? That the way your heart feels right now, pumping blood around your body, is insignificant because it is not a big deal? SO what is a big deal? There are billions of people who’s hearts don’t pump anymore. There are millions of people who fear their hearts not pumping right, who have hearts that don’t work so well. Approaching unlimited is the number of ways to explain why and why not something is significant but there is an objective answer here. That heart is pumping and its real. Unlike all the counters and reinforcements that as real as they may be, they are not happening to us right now. In every moment is a piece of significance because it is real. Time and space is ripping at the pages of destiny with your life, inking description. You are real and that is reason enough to see it as beautiful.

We can find a piece of beauty in all things. A higher form of consciousness, as called in eastern philosophies, is to become a witness. Being just you normally makes you biased and ego driven even if you’re a self-less and good person. You still made the decision to be that! But to watch yourself and life unfold, you can see the beauty in failure, mistakes, success and confusion. Disaster is often the highest form of art, it is the most real and immediate as it can’t be shaped but only happen. You cannot plan disaster, it unfolds. In the same way so can a simple plan be a great big beautiful monster that deserves appreciation.

Once a human decides to appreciate things, the things about that person start to wish for more and give more. Nobody wants to be nice to a person who can’t deal well with it same as nobody wants to give to a person who doesn’t know how to receive. So be great appreciative and demonstrate brilliant and genuine gratitude to each moment. It is the best thing a person can ever do. And then more moments deserving and wanting of such gratitude will both be created and come to you.

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