Do not live in the world of the slaves. This occurs not by being poor nor by being in debt or the alternatives of being wealthy. Escaping slavery occurs in the mind and how restricted one thinks, plans, wants, and then does. If a powerful person wants something in this world they do the same steps a poorer person does. They plan how to get it and go through the steps to get there. Some plans are longer and harder others are easier. This comparative way of defining one’s self as less is ridiculously prevalent in American culture because we are a competitive, individualistic culture. That can be beneficial in many ways but in this juncture, it is toxic.

The further reality on this line of thought is to get rid of masters and enemies. It continues with the logic of here and now, without the past. All things behind you are only existence because it is held onto in the mind. Trauma therapy is complete when the events behind don’t affect the future. You have things you must do, you never have someone in charge of you. To quote Captain Jack Sparrow, there are only two rules,”What a man can’t do, and what a man can do”. There will be consequences if your boss or a police officer doesn’t get you to do what they told you, and that is how all actions go. You are always totally free. Fucking shit up occasionally is really good to remind you that you’re in charge, not the system. They’re not in charge of you, they’re delivering options. But enemies is the real trick here.

The idea is to be an opportunist instead of a prisoner. Everyone has something that could help you grow or that you could help them grow. Creating a persona which would be beneficial to both of you two is fantasy. Assuming you know exactly who someone is, and how they’re going to act tomorrow is also fantasy. Centuries of philosophy still say we can’t ever really know what is going on inside someone’s mind, no matter how explained or specific. To think our versions of others are accurate is barbarous to any notion of civilized thought. It is for this fact that I posit we create a persona of helpful creativity instead or further imagine an awful person we fear to interact with.

People are very simple, if you treat them like they’re great then they will enjoy being around you and try to fit that accolade you’ve treated them with. People also smell bullshit miles away. So don’t lie, search to understand and cultivate the best of folks.

Transforming an enemy into an ally is as simple as that. Creating someone you know will be helpful, then finding the good of people who are against you, and leading them to the chance to be better with compliments and shifting the way you see and treat them. People would always rather have allies than enemies.

This counts with family members, loves, bosses, neighbors, and fucking anyone. Do not limit the world as if your anger is special. Your creativity is special, how you see people creates them to you and your future together.

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